Chapter 31: Dare If You Must

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The music was blaring from the house, people entered in groups. There were a few couples outside on the porch with red cups in their hands, swaying slightly to the music playing inside. Some guys were going out for a booze run, while others just partied inside.

This was the sixth party René had thrown since he found out about Damian.

Hey, I wasn't complaining, at least someone was using the pool in the back.

I was in the hallway going up to my room, some guy had just told me someone was making my bed 'their own' and I wanted to get there before they actually got successful in making themselves feel at home.

But before I could run up any further I quickly glanced at the front door when it opened and I almost tripped when I saw who it was.

It was Damian and his boy band, he had his arm around Kea as her eyes wandered. 

I ran up to him before René got there and stopped Damian as he walked further into the house, "What the fuck are you doing here?"

"Well, I thought you'd know the answer to why Re...."

"I invited him here." I turned as René cut Damian halfway and walked up to us.

"Excuse me?" I asked confused as hell and before the asshole or I could say anything further René put his arm around Damian's neck, "Damian my man, lets party." As he pulled the asshole and his boys away, leaving me alone with an equally astonished, Kea.

"What the fuck just happened?" I asked myself before focusing my attention on her, "Oh go on ahead I don't need to show you where anything is, you know this house better than anyone."

Kea shook her head as if she didn't wanna burst my bubble and walked in.

I ignored her bizarre reaction and went up to René who was with Damian on the other side of the pool near the outhouse.

He was pouring a shot for himself and the moron he had suddenly decided to befriend.

When I reached them they had already gulped the drink down and René was now pouring another one.

"What? You forgot about me?" I spoke from behind them when René turned around licking the lime. "No, YOU! my brother-are my life."

He was clearly already drunk.

By the second shot, Damian asked to lie down and his boys had dispersed as though they were never a thing.

Damian lay down and passed out within minutes. I stared at him while asking René, "Is it okay for a guy his size to pass out like that after two shots?"

"Na must be the date rape drug I mixed in the shot that did the trick."

"You wh..what? You spiked his drink?" I smacked him on the arm, "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

Suddenly René didn't sound drunk at all, as he looked at Damian, then me, "Were you acting drunk this entire time?"

"I needed Damian out of the way."

"So all that you said about me being your life was a lie?" I said moving my hand over my heart in a mocking way.

"Oh shut up, you know what you mean to me." 

Okay maybe he was a little drunk.

"But that's not why I drugged Damian. Now I need you to focus." René spoke in an equally mocking way.

"I need some time with Kea without this bastard lingering around."

"We could have just killed him, gotten rid of him for good you know, we still can... just throw him in the pool and he'll drown. It'll look like an accident." I spoke as we both stood near the pool chair Damian lay on.

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