Chapter 26: Not without you.

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I stood there not moving towards or away from her. I just turned the other side, giving her time to straighten up and she adjusted the towel in a way that it won't fall. I knew the right thing was to leave her alone and come another time when she wasn't so vulnerable but my feet were stuck to the ground, I couldn't leave nor get any closer to her. All that was left to do was talk and maybe if it wasn't for the situation she wouldn't even be so quiet or hostile.

I walked to the wardrobe on the other side of the room, past Kea who stood near the bed. My body was rigid, each step harder to take than the last.

I opened the cupboard to a wide variety of clothes. I took out a satin robe for Kea, that I think belonged to Danny's mom. Hoping she wouldn't miss her robe I clutched onto the fabric and walked to Kea, who had her back towards me.

I was now standing in front of absolute carnage. But she refused to move anything except her eyes, that kept looking away.

I watched her closely, there was water dripping from her hair onto her slender shoulders. Somehow finding a drop that was dangling its way down from her earlobe to her collarbone; so intriguing I found myself holding back a moan as I caught myself from leaning in to kissing the drop of her skin. 

Her skin, her body, her lips that should only know my name.

I walked in front of her and put the robe around her, she wasn't moving. She didn't shift away or budge when I put the robe on her. Once I realised she wasn't going to put it on herself I helped her and her hands moved in alliance with mine.

I looked away and removed the towel before tying the robe in front of her. Once the robe was tied and Kea was covered I looked back at her and this time she was looking at me. She seemed just as affected by all of this as me. 

But she didn't say anything.

I was about to walk away when I heard someone scream "COPS", I could hear footsteps and people running around. My eyes shot to Kea who looked terrified. She was naked inside that robe that belonged to Danny's mother with a guy that was wearing nothing but a towel around his waist. Anybody in her position would be losing it at the moment but she was just standing there staring at me. I ran up to her and pulled her from the arm and went to the window. The room was on the first floor and the window opened to the back yard. I looked down and everybody was running around like headless apes. 

No sign of Colin.

I gave my phone to Kea and told her to call Colin. I went back to the bedroom door and locked it. I collected all our belongings and put my wet jeans back on. There was no time for shoes or shirts.

Kea gave me the phone as Colin's voice blared from the other end. "Where the fuck are you?"

"I'm with Kea and we're getting out the back, meet me in the back lane."

"Be there in 10" Colin was a master of never getting caught, the guy could be the host and still manage to get away with it. 

I pulled the window up and climbed out onto the window pane, then the shed that roofed the back deck. Kea followed, I caught her mid-air and set her down gently. I could hear the cops searching around so I flung up at the windowpane and pulled the window down. I had removed the bandages on my left hand before the party. So now the pulling and pushing had opened all the wounds, making it bleed.

Leaving blood at the crime scene, great! Just what I needed.

Though I was careful not to let my blood get on anything it would be visible on. I also hid the red from Kea and myself. It was an unnecessary distraction.

We crawled our way to the boundary closest to the roof. Luckily a pillar attached the boundary wall to the roof on the left. I bent down to see the deck below for crowd. There wasn't any.

I didn't know how much time we had before someone came into the room above and saw us through the window or the deck below and caught us, so I told Kea to go first. I held her by the arm as she descended. The blood from the open gashes on my hand had tickled down her hand and stained the satin robe. When she was only inches above the ground, she looked up, nodded and I reluctantly let go. 

She was safe and outside the house. She saw the blood on her hands and her eyes instantly met mine. I ignored the aching look in her eyes and told her to start walking towards her house and that I would catch up with her but she refused to budge. I didn't spend any more time arguing and hastily balanced on the top of the boundary wall and jumped onto the road. The boundary wall wasn't that high so I landed on my feet.

I took Kea's hand in mine and walked briskly towards where I asked Colin to meet us. The action-packed escape had resulted in my plastered hand throbbing from the inside and the other bleeding moderately.

The pain was blinding but I was more focused on getting Kea to Colin's car.

Colin's Audi was parked in the shadows just behind the house. We walked over and sat inside.

Colin briefly gave us both a once over, seeing as I was shirtless with undone jeans and Kea was in a silk robe. 

When neither I nor Kea spoke, he wickedly smirked, "So you clearly found each other." And drove us home.

Author's note:
See I'm trying a little harder to multitask and am giving you another chapter sooner than I promised.
I would like to also like to thank everyone for reading my book.
We have 2K reads and I'm so happy.
I hope you enjoy this chapter.
And I almost forgot.
The final cast member of my next book.

The final cast member of my next book

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Tom Austen as STORM


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