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June 11, 2013

Farrah POV

Nearly two weeks and not one lead towards the murder of the young black woman and the community was growing angry. They were tired of the crime taking over their neighborhoods and igniting fear into their kids. I couldn't say that I blamed them. The drugs and gang rivalries were getting out of hand: they were close to swallowing this small black community whole.

".... enough about that. What do you like to do for fun?"

My thoughts were caught off by the man sitting in front of me. I don't think he was enjoying my rant about the downhill of the community with all of the violence. Ugh. I wanted to punch myself. Instead of off doing something productive, or worth while this Saturday night, I chose to allow my friends to set me up on another blind date. Though I guess I was getting too consumed in the case if my own captain ordered me to take a personal night.

It didn't matter though; this date was going horrible.

"When I have downtime I enjoy reading, attending art shows and going to different poetry and art slams. They're amazing."

The guy, who's name I couldn't remember, laughed. "That's kind of boring don't you think? I think I've been to an art show once. It's just a bunch of colors put on a canvas or, weird looking statues."

"No," I shook my head, "but everyone is entitled to their own opinion."

I grabbed the wine glass in front of me and took a big gulp. Maybe, just maybe, if I got a little tipsy this date would become less shitty.

"So," he looked down at our plates. He had practically scarfed his down, while I had been pushing my chicken fettuccini around in its bowl. "Since you decided to come here, are you paying?"

I stared at him dumbfounded, before chugging the rest of my wine.

Check, please!


"Aw, Farrah it wasn't that bad." Jenny tried to soothe my boiling anger over the phone as I walked down the sidewalk from the restaurant.

"Jenny, I paid!"

"You what?!" She yelled, "oh hell no."

"Yes, because I'm the one who picked the restaurant, but you know what... paying was fine as long as I was able to get the hell out! I promise you when I see Symph..." I couldn't even finish my sentence for being so mad.

"Okay, no more blind dates," Jenny laughed and I rolled my eyes.

"I've been telling you guys that for months. I hope that we all have come to the conclusion that I can date whomever I chose and when I want to."

"Well we knew that before, but we were trying to give you a boost. We want you to be happy."

"I am happy," I lied and she scoffed. "Okay, somewhat happy. That doesn't make any difference though, Jen. I will find someone when I'm good and ready. And don't worry about me, worry about your relationship, I'll be fine."

"I know, but sometimes I can't help but to feel as if you don't get out as much as you should. If you're not working, then you're sleeping. That's what your entire life consists of. When are you going to have some time for Farrah? So Farrah can have fun?"

"When the time is right," I pulled the phone back from my ear and spotted the low battery. "Look I'm on my way home so I'll just talk to you later okay?"

She sighed, "okay, love you girl."

"Love you too Jen," I hung up and dropped the phone into the empty clutch.

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