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I could've called Symphony right at that moment and gave her a piece of my mind, but I knew things between us would be said that shouldn't air. She told my business to my mother out of spite because of our little debacle that we had between each other. It was a petty thing to do and I would've never done that to her, but Symphony is known for getting low-down and dirty when people upset her. I rolled my eyes as I sat at my desk starring at the black computer screen. Gosh did I want to call her so bad! I had picked up my phone so many times to dial her number only to put it back down. Half of me convinced myself to let it go because I knew Symphony was mad, but the other half was egging on calling her and letting her know that what she did was pretty low.

"Hey Farrah," Laney came over and tapped my desk, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I looked up at her, blinking a few times, before I noticed the woman standing in the middle of the squad room.

"Mom's here," she whispered and I nodded my head and stood up.

I shook off the Symphony situation before walking over to the woman.

"Hi Mrs. Latimore, I'm Detective Farrah Banks. I'm handling your daughters case; do you want to follow me?" She nodded her head as she clutched the bag that she had against her chest harder. She walked around with tissue permanently attached to her hand and my heart went out to her. Her daughter had been killed and in a vicious way, possibly by her own son.

I led her into a room where we interviewed a lot of our witnesses. The couch was comfy and the room was painted a vibrant orange color unlike the interrogation rooms. She sat down on the chestnut sofa and leaned forward, covering her mouth with the tissue as she started to cry again. The tears streamed down her face and her shoulders shook violently as if she was trying to hold back the tears, but they managed to come down anyway. I grabbed one of the chairs at the table and turned it towards her before I took a seat.

"Every..." she swallowed hard and took a deep breath. "Every minute of the day I find myself w-walking into her room and sitting there. I try to tell myself that it's unhealthy to do that, but I can't wrap my head around the fact that she is no longer here," she looked up at me her hazel eyes filled with tears screaming to fall down her face.

"It's going to be a long process, but you are going to get through this and I'm going to help you," I reached over and placed my hand on her knee. "I'm going to find out who did this to Jazmine and I'm going to bring her justice and you closure. You're going to be fine Mrs. Latimore."

There wasn't much I could possibly say. The woman had just been informed a little over twenty-four hours ago that her daughter was murdered.

"Do you have any leads? Anyone that you think could've done this?" Silent tears streamed down the side of her red face.

She had cried so much that her face had turned from the tan color I had once seen to a now strawberry red.

"We actually do Ms. Latimore," I retrieved my hand and prepared myself to tell her the next part. "Your daughter was killed by poison and our medical examiner confirmed that." The woman wept and shook her head, "it seems to have come from chocolate milk because we found a brown stain on her shirt. Ms. Latimore your daughter was also raped before she was killed."

Her eyes widened and she inched forward in the couch. I was worried that she'd fall right onto the floor. She shook as she let out a shrilling cry and I caught her right before she peeled over onto the floor. I was now on my knees holding this hysterical woman as she wept for her child. The child she bore, raised, and loved. She clenched onto my arm and I gulped and tried to calm her. I hadn't even told her the rest and I wasn't sure if I would be able to after this reaction.

Fatal Attraction || COMPLETED!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora