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Farrah's POV

I walked stiffly out of the bathroom and towards my bed, hearing a soft chuckle behind me when I finally made it. I turned around to see Michael standing there, leaning against the door with his arms crossed. If I could've thrown something to get that smirk off his face, I would've.

"My body is sore, so it's a little difficult to walk properly."

He nodded and then pushed off the frame of the door and came walking over to me. "You ready to go home?"

I nodded. I'd been in the hospital for two days, this being the third day, because they kept me under observation since my blood pressure was so high. My doctor didn't want to discharge me until it lowered. I didn't mind staying since my captain had come to personally visit me and after a statement from Michael on what happened (who oddly didn't leave my bedside for more than two hours the last two days) I was pulled off any case dealing with Nick. That upset me, but administered a sigh of relief from Michael.

"More than ready," I replied, sitting down on the bed. I had changed out of the hospital gown and into some comfortable lounge clothes that my mother had brought from my apartment. "What are you doing here? I thought you had to work at the museum?"

He sat next to me, "I called off."

I rolled my eyes. "You are really doing the most right now Michael. It wasn't that bad of an accident. I'm just sore from the impact and a few cuts and bruises. It isn't like it was terribly bad and I'm bleeding internally or something. They checked everything, I'm fine."

He smiled and nodded, "okay, but I still needa make sure for myself."

I opened my mouth to ask him about his change in heart and why did he tell me he loved me when he had just told me he needed to figure himself out first, but before I could in walked the three stooges. Michael groaned lightly having seen more of my friends in the last two days than he had in all the time we'd been together.

I chuckled as he asked me under his breath, "do they always come in threes?"

"Things that come in threes means good luck," Symphony smartly remarked and Jen kissed her teeth before nudging her.

"Unless it's death," Michael mumbled and I pushed at his thigh next to me.

I had forgiven Symphony for what she said the night Michael and I split after finding out from Michael that she had visited him to try and convince him to come back to me. Maybe she was doing it for her own benefit, to clear her conscience, but she'd put herself out there so I accepted the apology she gave me while I was lying in the hospital bed. And maybe I was just being all positive then too, floating on clouds because Michael had confessed his love for me.

"Anyway," Carmen said rolling her eyes, before smiling. "We've come to take you home since we know you're getting discharged today. We have so much to talk about."

Michael stood up from the bed and pulled my duffel bag towards him. "It's okay. I got it."

"Hi ladies," my mother's voice said behind the three of them as she walked into my hospital room. "Here baby. These are your discharge papers."

"Uh, mom usually one of the hospital officials brings this to the patient. What are you doing with it?" I asked as I took the clipboard from her hand.

She waved me off with a smile on her face before going over to sit down in the chair, crossing her legs. "I told the nurse I'd handle it. Seemed to me that they were too busy and I know you were tired of sitting around waiting for it. So was I"

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