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Farrah's POV

The gun used to shoot our victim was found while talking to Janet in the hospital, and not far from where Laney had arrested her. So now my nerves had been heightened as we all sat around in the precinct ready for the results of the print test to return. I was the only one really worried and Laney had been the only one who noticed. She pulled me from my desk and over to the break room, so we could talk in private.

"Is there something going on with you? You looked like a deer in headlights when you found out that girl was related to Michael Jackson."

I had received more than enough chastisement from Evan about what I had going on with Michael and although I believed Laney would be supportive I didn't want to risk it. So instead of telling her the truth I thought of a quick lie.

"I got into it with my mom last night and it's been really weighing on my shoulders. It has nothing to do with the girl."

I kept my voice steady enough, so she could hear the truth and when she nodded I slowly relaxed my shoulders. "Maybe you should try talking to her again..."

Technically speaking Janet's story on why she was in possessions of the victim's belongings was plausible-enough to where she'd be let free, but Evan was intent on not letting her get off so easy.

I didn't know what history he had with her or if this was some sort of grudge he was holding against Michael (since he's been so deadest on me not hanging around him), but it was enough for him and Laney to agree that they needed to pin Janet with resisting arrest.

I had to work so they wouldn't add assaulting an officer to the table.

"I'll try," I shrugged, and we made our way out of the breakroom, but I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw the back of Michael's head standing next to who I believed was his mother. There were two other women standing on the opposite side of his mother and they all listened while Angel explained why Janet was arrested.

Now was the best time for me to excuse myself and grab an early, I looked at the clock as it struck 10:30, early lunch.

"Detective Banks will you..." Angel motioned for me to "come hither" and I felt like my legs where lifting up a ton of bricks as I walked over to him.

Once I was in front of the four people I knew that they were all kin. The other two women standing next to Michael's mother shared the same looks as Janet; they had to be siblings.

"Hi, I'm Detective Banks, and I'm sure that Detective Jones has already told you the charges that Janet is facing?"

"Yes," one of the unnamed women said, nodding her head. "We know the charges, but will she face jail time?"

Angel answered with a quick, "it's unlikely. She doesn't have a rap sheet so the most that'll happen is a fine. She did black-and-blue an officers eye while resisting arrest, but Detective Banks has convinced the other officer not to press charges."

They all looked relieved, including Michael.

"She could explain Janet's case a little more thoroughly to you than I can," Angel said gesturing to me before lightly touching Mrs. Jackson's shoulder before walking away.

"So, we arrested Janet fleeing from the crime scene with the victim's belongings where another detective then arrested her. It resulted in a little tussle on the ground, so Janet is a bit bruised up, but nothing too major I promise. The only problem is we found the gun used on the victim and we're currently dusting it for prints to see if Janet's are on there. If they are not then most likely she'll walk out of here today, but if they are then we have a problem and the fact that she is not talking to us makes it worse."

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