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Farrah's POV


I poured the last of the Pinot Gris into my wine glass and Michael glanced at me skeptically, but with teasing eyes. I fought the smirk threatening to come to my lips as I tried to return the look.

I knew why he was looking at me that way, because the last time I had got a little intoxicated I had slept with him. I had explained more than once that I had bad day dealing with both my sister and mother, and what made it worse was my sexual attraction to Michael. He nor I could deny that we both had an itch that night that needed to be scratched.

Playing dumb I brought the glass to my lips and smiled sheepishly, "what?"

He was finishing the last cookie in the first row of the Oreo pack. We had practically devoured the first row of the family sized pack together. He closed it up after offering me more with the gesture of his hand, but I shook my head. My sweet tooth had been more than satisfied and I couldn't think of eating anymore.

As his teeth sunk into the cookie his brown eyes cut over at me. I hadn't noticed when I first met him, but he had killer eyes, almost mysterious.

"You should probably chill on the drinks," he said tapping the bottom of my glass and it lightly tapped my lips. "Don't wanna repeat of the last time."

His eyebrows raised as if to say, remember.

Feeling daring, and playful, I gave him a look of seduction. My eyes lowered, and the tip of my tongue moved across my lips that were painted a neutral matte brown. His eyebrows rose in a challenge and I chuckled before taking a sip out of my glass and glancing at the digital clock on the DVR underneath my flat screen TV. It was a couple minutes passed a quarter till twelve meaning that Michael had been here for almost four hours. It made me question whether or not he intended to get more than I was willing to give tonight.

With my feet stretched towards Michael's hip while he sat stretched out on the "L" of my gray sectional, I looked back at him.

"Looks like that," he said huskily, "get people in trouble."

He finished off his cookie and I pulled my legs up so my knees were tucked underneath my chin. I took two more gulps of wine before setting the glass down on the coaster I had out for myself. I took a little bit of a lean to reach the coffee table, but by the time I was repositioned with my arms wrapped around my legs I had swallowed my swig of drink.

"Oh really?"

His eyes connected with me and I could see the lust that lingered in them. Was I really going to go there with him tonight? The thought was there and as much as the brain between my legs wanted so badly to feel his touch the brain in my head showed me the disadvantages of jumping back in this soon. What if all Michael and I had was a sexual connection? That would be a complete and utter waste of time if the only connection we held was through the power of sex.

He mocked me, "really. Don't want you regretting something later on."

All jokes aside I answered him honestly though he hadn't posed a question. "I didn't regret it."

Initially I had. I was very regretful and upset that we had jumped each other like jack rabbits the last time we were in my apartment. But slowly had come to terms with what had went down and decided that it was what it was. I couldn't take it back so either I could sulk about it or be content with what happened. I chose the latter and hadn't regretted that decision either. Michael was an amazing lover and it had been a while since I'd done anything with anyone, so I basked in the feeling of being pleasured by him. Though I wondered if he regretted it.

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