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This is part 1 of 2. It's short but I had to do it this way to refrain from the chapter exceeding 7,000 words. Part 2 will come Friday.

September 4, 2013

Farrah and Michael practically lived the same lives. Eat, work, sleep, and then repeat. The only thing was the in between time. Michael spent it with Nick and regretted every waking moment of it, and every day he tried to devise a plan to get out of the situation that Janet had involuntarily, and unintentionally, placed him in.

But at this point, and especially after a visit from Symphony, he was ready to give all that up because the pain of being away from Farrah was worse than spending a lifetime in jail... and he knew what life was like in prison all too well. But meeting Farrah and falling for her was at the top of his list of the smartest things he'd ever done.

He had made a lot of bad decisions in his life, but Farrah was that one good thing that outweighed them all, but Michael helplessly loved his family and all their faults. Janet was lost and though she wasn't seeing reason at the moment Michael had faith that eventually she would. He was praying she would because he didn't know how long Farrah could wait if she was even still waiting.

But she was. Farrah had turned back into the woman who was all work and no play. No fancy dates on the weekends and she picked up any and all extra or needed-covered shifts at the precinct. She was slowly turning back into the workaholic she was before she met Michael, trying to fill the void that his absence created.

But she thought about him everyday, wishing him well and hoping that whatever he was going through that he would get through it. She wasn't as religious as her parents taught her to be when she was growing up, but sometimes (especially after the death of her brother) she still prayed, whether God was listening or not.

She just prayed that God covered Michael, protecting him in his warm embrace, because she just wasn't sure if she would be able to hold it together if Michael fell victim to one of those 2 am calls that she received early in the morning. Ever since their separation it was as if she had been holding her breath with every crime scene she was called to, hoping, praying, and wishing the entire way that the person under the white sheet wasn't the man she was in love with.

Exhausted and hungry Farrah trudged up the stairs to her apartment keys in hand and a takeout bag under her arm. She noticed the flyer taped against her door as the breeze from outside blew it softly. She tugged it off before opening her apartment door, closing it with her foot. It was a flyer for the Underground. Which was the club that Michael had taken her to on their first date.

In honor of Labor Day they were having an open mic night for poetry, singers, and artists. Wine and food would be served and it was a dress to impress sort of event. She had already made up her mind not to go, but a little voice in the back of her head became louder and louder as it urged her to change her mind. She walked to the kitchen, setting all her belongings on top of the counter and studying the flyer heavily.

It was going on after 10 o'clock and the doors opened at 11 which meant she would be late, but since it was an open mic night then that meant there was really no specific itinerary. It would just be amateurs coming on and off stage to showcase their talents whatever they were to be. She sighed and placed the flyer on the counter, flipping it over just to see the same wording as the other side except a new addition.

Tonight? - MJ

Michael's handwriting was recognizable and it was enough to have Farrah agreeing to go. She needed to go now just to receive closure that things were officially over and maybe then she could finally move on with her life? Well, eventually. She sighed, nodding her head to herself, dropping the flyer onto the counter and going back to her room to prepare for the night.

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