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June 17, 2013

Farrah POV


I played with the manila folder that laid on the cold metal table. Very seldom did the precinct update the interrogation room because we didn't want the suspects to get too comfortable. It was always gray and gloomy with a little bit of sun trying to peak through the metal screens that covered the two windows that we did have in the room. I licked my lips and looked across the table at Travis Dillard and one of the most hated lawyers that had ever walked into this precinct, Kelly Gross. She had so many enemies, because she defended the sickest and twisted perpetrators known in the south L.A. area. I think she just enjoyed the attention, but she was damn good at what she did. Not every time was she able to get her clients off scott-free, but at times she could talk the ADA down to a do-able plea. Some of the perp's she defended deserved lengthy sentences, but her persuasive persona prevented that.

We constantly butted heads... she disliked me and she knew I felt the same about her.

"Well?" She folded her arms, "do you have something against my client or is he free to leave?"

I opened the manila folder and pulled out the picture of Dillard's-now deceased-wife. She had been beaten and then strangled to death. "Do you recognize this woman, Mr. Dillard?"

"That's Nicole," his voice cracked as if he was really showing remorse when in reality he was just overjoyed with the sick masterpiece he had created.

"You beat her to the point where she was unrecognizable," I grabbed the picture and turned it towards me.

Five years doing this and it still turned my stomach when I saw stuff like that.

"Don't say a word," Kelly demands and holds up her finger. "What evidence do you all think you have against my client?"

"He choked her so hard that his thumb print left indentions on her neck," I grabbed the other photo that was zoomed onto her neck. "We were able to get prints off of her neck and match them to your client's prints. He was already in the database for when he was arrested for beating her the first time," I looked over at him and he just stared down at the picture. I looked over to Kelly and not once did she fidget or change the hardened look on her face. She had her game face on all day, every day.

I leaned on the table and finally Dillard looked up at me.

"I want to make a deal with your ADA. My client has some pertinent information to one of your ongoing cases," this made me snap my head over to Kelly and I furrowed my brows.

"He has information on the two dead girls, Claudia and Eva."

I looked over at Dillard as he wore a smirk on his face. Hell no, no way was I about to let him get off on this.

"He will tell you all that you know as long as he is admitted into witness protection from Nicholas Fuller," that was Nick's full name.

I was fixing myself to tell her hell no, when the unwanted knocks on the window stopped me. I turned around, fire in my eyes, as I got up and walked over to the door. I jerked it open and immediately started to yell.

"No! We cannot and will not let him get away with this. If he knows something then that means someone else knows something, we just need to dig harder, but we cannot let him off!"

My captain shook his head as he, Evan, and our ADA Claire Robinson, stood there. "Nick is bigger than this," Evan said to me and my jaw dropped.

"He beat his wife until she was unrecognizable. I don't give a damn if Nick is bigger than this. If we allow this then he gets to live his life and what about Nicole, huh? Does she get justice? No because her killer, who she thought was her husband, will be off living a new life with a new name. We put away killers... we do not protect them!"

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