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July 1, 2013

Farrah POV


The red dress hugged me a little tight. The girls thought it would be a good idea to take me out so I could buy a whole new dress instead of wearing something I already had in my closet. I guess they were so excited that I decided to go out with Chris on my own that they believed a new dress would also make me excited. I tried my best to be cheerful while I was around them, but I wasn't looking too much into it. It was just Chris and we were only attending a party. I wasn't expecting the night to go so well, but I was immediately surprised with Chris's behavior. He was the proper gentlemen; he held the door, opened and closed the car door for me, and he had even bought me flowers when he picked me up. He was more at ease I'm sure without my mother hovering over him like a little watch dog. I chuckled to myself and Chris smiled at me. I'm sure he thought I had laughed at the joke he had just exchanged with his boss little did he know I was in my own world.

"She's gorgeous Chris," his boss smiled at me and then looked over at Chris.

"Thank you sir," Chris replied with a wide smile.

"So Farrah, correct?" The man looked over to me again and I nodded my head. "You're in law enforcement?"

"Yes sir. I'm a homicide detective."

"Really? You guys have a pretty high conviction rate."

Yeah, when the ADA decides not to settle.

"ADA Claire Anderson does an excellent job," I held the glass of champagne tightly in my hand as if I was afraid I'd drop it. I just didn't want to drink it because I didn't want the mishap that happened with Michael to happen with Chris. I was never lightweight when it came to drinking, but I was getting older so maybe my body was changing to the point where it no longer wanted to hold its liquor. I wanted a clear conscious for the night and didn't want to wake up beside Chris's naked body...regardless of how clean cut he looked tonight.

"Well I appreciate what you do for this city," he smiled at me and I returned one. "I know it's hard to be out there risking your life to protect the lives of others."

"It's what I signed up for and I knew that. I wouldn't change it for the world. The job means that much to me."

"You speak very passionately about it and even with all of the police brutality going on I'm glad that we still have some cops out their fighting to protect the lives of our citizens than to provoke fear in them," he held out his hand and I shook his firmly. "You hold on to her Chris." He winked at him and I don't know why but Chris wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into his side.

"Of course boss. I wouldn't have it any other way." I didn't want to embarrass him but the minute the man walked away I snatched away from Chris and sat my drink down on the table that was next to us and made my way out of the ballroom. Chris trotted right behind me and grabbed my arm right before I could press the button on the elevator.

"Farrah wait! What's wrong?"

I removed my arm from his grasp and pressed the elevator door numerous times before I whipped around. "Why did you ask me to come along? Was it so I could look good on your arm and you could sport me around as if I'm some sort of trophy that you wanted your bosses to admire?"

"What?" He frowned and shook his head. "No way."

"Then what was the waist hugging about? We're not together Chris... we're not even dating so you had no right to do that." I was disappointed in him.

"Farrah I'm sorry. I got caught up in the moment. My intentions were never to make you feel that way, okay? I invited you because I enjoy talking to you and we've been having such a good time..." He sighed as the elevator dinged on our floor and the doors opened. "I promise I won't cross over my boundaries anymore tonight." He held his hands up in surrendor and I let the elevator doors shut. He tried to hold back the smile that had started to creep on his lips.

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