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Farrah's POV

I dipped two fingers into the bowl next to me, pulling out a juicy piece of watermelon. I was sitting on top of Michael's counter watching him get ingredients together to make spaghetti. I never had a guy attempt to cook for me before, so it was entertaining to watch how he worked, but so far he was doing good. I half-expected him to know how to cook because his mother did own a diner.

"I had a feelin' this would come in handy," he smiled, pulling the frozen package of ground turkey from the freezer.

"What did you buy ground turkey for?"

"Dolph said that turkey burgers were the next best thing. I was gonna try it," he shrugged and put it in the sink.

"Turkey burgers are delicious."

He laughed, amused. "Anything non-beefy is delicious to you."

I chewed on the piece of watermelon swishing it in my mouth as my teeth started to ache from the coldness.

"That's not even partially true."

He turned and raised an eyebrow before going back over to his prepping station. He had already told me he wasn't fond of vegetables in his spaghetti sauce, but since I liked it that way then he would make me my own little side. After he insisted on doing it I didn't protest anymore. Instead I just moved back and watched the man work in his kitchen. He was just about to chop up the green peppers when my phone vibrated on the counter next to me, Jen's name flashing across the screen.


"Hello? That's all I get is a hello?"

"Um, heeeeey Jen." I tried to add a little enthusiasm to my voice. "I'm not sure what you want me to say."

"How about I'm on my way or a good reason for why you're not at my house yet."

"Why would I..." I stopped and facepalmed myself. "Damnit Jen. I forgot."

"Of course, you forgot. Well we're not eating until you get here so bring your ass."

"I...can't..." I looked up at Michael who was paying attention to me. I looked away and talked to Jen. "I'm busy."

"Busy with what?"

"Just. Busy."

She mocked me in an annoyed tone. "Just busy with what, Farrah? Where are you? Who the hell are you-Oh hell. You're with Michael, aren't you?"

I cringed at her realization and slid off the counter, excusing myself from Michael's kitchen.

"Michael? She's with Michael? Tell her to bring him! Bring him, Farrah!" I heard Carmen in the background going on and on.

"You know what that's a good idea. Bring him," Jen cosigned, and I scoffed.

"I don't think so."


Carmen played as Jen's parrot and whined in the background. "Why?"

"Will you tell Carmen to hush! And because I'm still trying to get to know him myself."

"We can all get to know him together."



"Farrah, you...."

"Goodbye Jen," I sang before hanging up the phone.

When I walked back into the kitchen Michael was leaning against the counter right across from the island I was sitting on.

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