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Sorry for the delay. Better late than never right?

Farrah's POV

Michael and I were the only ones lacking sleep, but neither of us cared when it came time to getting ready for dinner. We'd maybe gotten a one or two hour nap in after our long rendezvous, but I was still smiling (from ear to ear) as I stood in front of the bathroom mirror curling my hair per Carmen's request.

Michael came in behind me looking and, of course, smelling good after his second shower. I turned after dropping the sectioned off piece of hair I had curled to smile and look him up and down. His clean-cut eyebrows rose as he let out a chuckle.

"What?" He asked, grabbing his lotion off the sink to rub some on his hands and then gently over his face.

"You look good," I said and looked him up and down. "Like really good."

Though I was used to seeing Michael in a nice shirt and slacks it was something about his all-black fit tonight with fresh curls brushing his shoulders that made him look a hundred times sexier. He smiled a wide smile and leaned against the sink.

"Keep lookin' at me like that and we just might not make it to dinner..." He licked his lips and my eyes followed him as he left out of the bedroom, but not before leaning forward and kissing my lips.

And maybe I'd have taken him up on his implied offer if there weren't fresh curls on the top of my head. So instead I finished the tedious task of curling my black strands and got dressed, finishing in the nick of time because there was a knock on the door as I walked back into the bathroom. Michael answered it and in walked Carmen.

Her makeup was done to it's usual perfection her bow-shaped lips painted a pretty mauve color that complimented the nude dress and black heels she was wearing.

"It's the birthday girl!" She squealed her heels tapping against the bathroom floor as she teetered back and forth from one foot to the other in excitement. "You look so beautiful Farrah. The dress is bomb. You've been sporting red for a while now and honestly I'm loving it."

I ran the small tube of carmax across my bare lips for I wasn't big on lipstick before turning to Carmen. "It's Michael's favorite color."

She made an 'o' with her mouth before nodding and holding up her hand in OK. I capped my tube of gloss and then ran my hands over the front of my outfit, giving myself a once over in the mirror to make sure I looked okay. It was a sleeveless and long red velvet dress that brushed the floor with a long slit easing up my right leg until it almost reached the top of my thigh.

"Well I'm just doing drop ins to see if everyone was ready or close. Meet us by the elevator in five minutes okay?" I nodded and Carmen saw her way out while I went to go and sit down on the bed to put on the heels I'd been dreading since I laid out my outfit. Michael was engrossed in something on his phone once again tapping away on the screen.

"Michael?" I asked with one leg crossed over the other so I could buckle the ankle of shoe. I looked back at him sitting in the chair. I ran my hand over the curls swinging them completely over my shoulder. "Are you sure there's nothing wrong?"

His brows furrowed as he looked up at me. "Nothing. Why you ask?"

"Because every time I looked over at you today your fingers have just been a-tap-tap-taping at the screen," I switched legs so I could clasp the other strap. Once I was finished I stood up and walked over to him. "I just want to know if everything is okay."

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