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July 2, 2013


Michael POV

I was thinking too much into this shit... I mean I thought I was. Shit, I knew my ass shoulda said somethin to Farrah and not just let her walk away. But seein her with ole dude did somethin to me. You date people that are like you and ain't no in between shit. I scratched the back of my head as I sat on my couch tryin to think of the different ways my ass went wrong. I knew the first step was ever sleeping with her. Had I not done that and just kept it in my damn pants I woulda been got over her, but now she got me over here contemplating my life and my damn actions.

"Mike!" I think I heard Dolph yell on the other side of my door.

I ain't feel like dealin with nobody so I had been pretendin that I wasn't home. I just kept lyin on my couch until they eventually went away and when I said that I was mostly talking about Janet. For some weird ass reason she had to visit me every two or three days and at first it was cool, but now every time I looked up she walkin through my front foor.

"I know yo ass in there!" He banged on my door and I was so close to goin in when I finally got up and opened it.

"What the hell you want bangin on my door like you the feds?" I walked back over to the couch and Dolph stepped inside and I raised my eyebrow. He was dressed up and the only time he looked like this was when he had a court date... "Why you look like that?"

"I'm about to go to this surprise engagement party. You remember Jules? High school Jules?"

I had to think for a sec. I ain't talk to nobody from my high school years except Tina and Nick, but that was before I got locked up.

"You know Jules man..." he sighed. "Jules..."

I never understood why people thought sayin' the name twice would make any difference. If I ain't remember then I ain't remember!

"Light skin... football...we used to go over his house and drink his dad's coronas."

"Oh... that fool gettin' married?" I narrowed my eyes. The Jules I remembered ain't seem like the marryin type.

"Well the girl ain't said yes but with this money I know he spendin out for this party I'm hopin she do."

"Well tell 'em I said congratulations," I gave a fake ass, wide ass, smile.

"Tell 'em yourself... 'cuz you comin. Stop sulkin 'bout a girl you fucked once and try and find another one."

I took that shit as a fucking insult. I wasn't sulkin over Farrah. I barely even knew her. It was just a Saturday and I ain't feel like bein bothered by nobody. I was also tryna figure out where I went wrong last night but the more I thought about it, I wasn't in the wrong. Wasn't nobody in the wrong. Shit just wasn't meant to be and I was okay with that. I asked the man above to send me a sign so I could my mind off of her and I swore that seein her with last night with the rich guy did it for me... but she was still on my damn mind and it was startin to irritate me.

"I'm good..." I shook my head.


I could tell his ass wasn't gon leave me alone. I was tryna be nice today and spare peoples feelings but I kept gettin tried and I wasn't appreciatin' that shit. Dolph put his hands in his pocket and I knew he wasn't gon take me ignoring him as a silent goodbye.

"I ain't got shit to wear..." It worked with women but the look on Dolph's face was tellin me he wasn't buyin it.

"You don't own a suit nigga? Come on," he smirked and I shrugged and stood up.

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