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July 9, 2013

Farrah's POV


Chris and I walked side-by-side as he escorted me into my apartment complex and then to my door. I went to the ballet that he asked me attend even though I didn't really want to. He had already purchased the tickets and I didn't want to just turn him down. I was just happy that he had mistaken the time and it actually started at six instead of eight. I didn't plan on being out that late with him so the change in time actually did me good.

Don't get me wrong Chris was a nice guy and I respected him enough to let him down gently. Gently enough that it wouldn't hurt his ego, but hard enough so he would catch the hint. And it wasn't that I didn't like him, I did, but I liked Michael too. There was an energy that Michael had that piqued my interest and enticed me to get to know him better. I couldn't help but to replay his words in my mind from the day I saw him on the fourth of July. I was curious as to what made him think I was playing games? I was a grown woman who didn't have time for games. Although I could tell that Michael had some trust issues and when he heard Chris ask me out again I could see why he would think that, but I'm sure he was dating other women just like I was dating other men....

"I hope you had a good time tonight," Chris said once we made it to my door.

I smiled at him and then looked down to retrieve the small set of keys out of my purse. "The performance was beautiful. I really enjoyed it."

"Good," he nodded his head and I knew he was preparing himself to ask me something, but I wasn't sure what. "I want you to know that I like you Farrah."

I wanted to cringe because I already knew where this was going.

"Chris..." I sighed and shook my head. "You are an amazing guy..."

"Oooh," he bit down on his lip, took a step back, and I knew I had shot his ego. "I know where this is about to go. Is this about that guy from the other day?"

"Who? Michael?" I guessed even though I knew that's who Chris was referring to.

"Yeah sure," he mumbled and shrugged his shoulders. "You two have something going on?"

"This has nothing to do with Michael, Chris," I smiled reassuringly.

This didn't have anything to do with Michael. It had everything to do with me. I liked Michael and preferred to put my time and energy into him than Chris. Although my mother and Symphony would wholeheartedly disagree I was doing what I felt was right. I was a grown woman so I should be able to decide who I want to spend my time with.

"Are you sure?" Chris raised his eyebrows in anticipation of my response.

I nodded. "This is about me. You've voiced to me the seriousness that you're looking for in a relationship and I'm not the girl to fulfill that need for you right now."

This was true. Chris was looking for something long-term and permanent. I was looking for something fun and steady, and I believed that lived with Michael not Chris. I wasn't ready to be picking out color schemes, venues, and dates for a wedding.

"I see," he nodded his head and took another step back.

I was already feeling bad and the look on his face didn't making it any better. I licked my lips and looked away from Chris and toward my apartment door. There was an awkward silence between the two of us for a few more seconds until Chris finally spoke again. This time when I looked back at him he had a small smile on his face.

"Thank you for being honest with me," he nodded and I tried to comfort him with a warm smile.

I was going to go on about how amazing he was and that some woman, other than myself, would better equip for him but I'm unable to. He didn't stick around any longer. He waved goodbye and turned around to leave. I thought about stopping him knowing that we would've left off on bad terms, but I guessed it was better that way. I didn't want to coddle the fact that I didn't like him in the way that he liked me. It was just something about him having a connection to my mother that threw me off. Maybe I was going back to my early teenage days where I was rebellious to any and everything of my mother. She disliked Michael, and although I naturally gravitated toward him because I actually did like him, I couldn't say that my mother's disapproval didn't also fuel the fire.

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