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Farrah's POV

I stared into the fridge for the umpteenth time tonight, hoping that something would magically appear so I didn't have to leave the comfort of my apartment in order to get something to eat. I sighed, and kicked it closed before going over to the cabinet. I had eaten the last can of soup the previous day, and now all I had was a different assortment of canned beans.

I pulled out the canister I kept my rice in, opening it and finding not even a half cup of it. It was so scarce that I could see the bottom of the container. I sighed, and pushed it back into its rightful spot, and closed the cabinet door. Instead I pulled out my phone and searched for my dominos app.

After ordering my pizza and pasta I shuffled through my messages, glancing over the ones I hadn't answered, but it was nothing important. Just my mother checking up, and then the girls trying to get me to come out with them. I had ignored them all. I just wasn't in the mood.

I ran across Michael and I's thread of messages that I had yet to delete. I find myself in his contact information my teeth sinking into my bottom lip as my thumb hovered over the call button. I could call him. Just to see if he received the present that I had dropped off to him yesterday, but I thought that maybe that would be bothering him. If he had received it and opened it then he knew it was from me, so him not calling to thank me was probably his way of telling me to leave him alone.

I sighed and exited out, sliding my phone onto the counter. I looked around my kitchen feeling pathetic as the only sound in the air was the cutting on and off of my central air. I was truly pathetic. I laughed to myself, shaking my head. I was a pathetic woman with no liquor.

Before I could go and up my supply from the liquor store tomorrow, I sat on my couch sipping on my bottle of water, waiting for my food to be delivered. I just sat there, playing with a random app game that I had downloaded just to pass the time. It wasn't until I finally moved from my place on the couch when I heard the knocking on my door. I grabbed the 20 dollars and respective change from off the coffee table and tossed my phone on the other side of the couch.

But when I opened the door it wasn't the delivery man, but it was Carmen. I cursed mentally to myself, wishing I had checked the peephole before I opened the door. I knew better. But now she knew I was home and as much as I wanted to tell her to leave, I didn't. Instead I moved out of the way and gestured for her to come in.

"I was voted the one to come and check up on you. Jen thought you'd answer the door for me over her and Symphony thinks you hate her."

"Well at least she finally got something right," I mumbled, shutting the door and locking it.

Carmen sighed and turned around. I stayed near the door incase I needed to kick her out if she started to annoy me. I didn't mean to be a bitch, but lately I just was not in the mood.

"How are you doing? Are you holding up okay?"

"I'm good."

Her head tilted to the side and face became that of concerned. I parroted myself. "I'm good."

Carmen's hands went up in surrender and she nodded her head. "Well I just thought it'd be best to come and check up on you to make sure you were doing okay. Also to see if anything has changed between you and Michael."

"Everything is the same. I'm alive and I'm fine. Feel free to leave."

I walked away from the door, passing Carmen and heading for my bedroom. "C'mon Farrah," she whined and my head faced the ceiling as I rolled my eyes before turning around. "You have been cooped up in this apartment for three weeks. You only go to work and then you come home. You don't answer our calls or our texts and we are worried about you. Granted you have good reason to be mad at Symphony, trust me she deserves it but... we just want to know if you're okay."

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