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Farrah's POV

3:30 A.M.

Pancakes always tasted better in the wee hours of the morning and even more with Michael sitting across from me. He smiled at me as I drowned my pancakes in syrup, before closing the cap and sucking the little bit of stickiness from my thumb.

We were at a little twenty-four-hour breakfast stop closer to Michael's apartment. He raved about how good the pancakes were, but I had to try them out for myself.

I used my fork to slice into the stack of three pancakes, coating them with the syrup that spread to the edge of my plate before putting the three triangular pieces into my mouth.

The right amount of butter, heavy syrup, and the fact that the pancakes were crispy on the edges had me in heaven. Buttery, fluffy with a slight crisp, and damn near melt in your mouth was my favorite kind of pancakes.

I grabbed my glass of orange juice to wash the sticky food down, giving Michael a head nod of approval.

"You were right... these are good..."

He smiled widely, "I know."

I smirked, but not for too long as I wanted to get back to my pancakes. We ate in silence for a little while until I spoke, something coming to my mind.

"You didn't tell me you were good with children..."

He looked up from his plate, a small smile on his face, "you ain't ask."

"True. How did you get so good with them?"

"I don't really know. A natural thing, I guess? I'm eight years older than my sister Janet so I guess I helped wit her."

I cut into the pancakes, but this time I kept my eyes down as I asked, "you ever think about having children of your own?"

He didn't answer for a few seconds, so I looked up to see if something was wrong, but he was just staring at me. "It's a thought..."

I just nodded, "I never wanted kids when I was younger, but now that my siblings are married and have several sometimes I feel my uterus wiggle," I teased.

"How many nieces or nephews do you have?"

"My eldest brother has a boy and a girl. My next oldest brother has three; two boys and a girl. Kari, my sister, has four; two boys and two girls. Then Rena. Rena has my three nieces and my nephew. So, I have a lot. My family sees procreation as a gift, so they just keep them coming. Christmas is becoming quite bit expensive on a detective's salary. How many do you have if your siblings have any."

"I think the question is how many each of them got," Michael laughed. Then proceeded to tell me how many nieces and nephews he had. "And I'm sure my siblings ain't done yet."

"Seems like our family's love making babies."

Michael nodded and then he said, "I knew your brother. Finely."

But it was more of a let-me-say-this-quickly sort of tone. But his words made my head snap up from the plate of pancakes.

"I ain't know-know him, but we saw each other a round. He was a cool guy."

"Saw each other around?" I parroted, my eyebrows raising. "As in you sold my brother drugs?"

I didn't mean for my voice to get tight and accusatory, but it just came out that way. Michael worked for Nick and Nick was known for selling both old and new drug concoctions to the streets, so I wouldn't be surprised if Michael did sell my brother some of Nick's merchandise.

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