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June 12, 2013

Michael POV


Tina ain't waste a minute this time. When I rolled over she was already getting dressed, but I was in the mood still so I reached over and grabbed her arm tryna pull her back to me, but she just snatched away... the attitude was already starting. I glanced at the clock. Damn, this early in the morning?

"I'm sick of this shit Michael," she turned around and I saw the tears.

Here we go. Even before I got locked up, she was pulling the same shit.

"You sick of what Tina?" I flipped the covers back and got outta bed, to put on my boxers.

"You callin' me just when you want some ass," she was jumpin up and down tryna put on her jeans.

If there was any way I could have avoided callin her I would've, but after seeing Farrah in that dress last night I needed some kind of release and I knew if I called Tina she'd be at my place in a heartbeat. It ain't my fault she didn't have any self-control to say no to me.

"I'm worth more than that."

"Then why you keep comin back Tina?" I was going through my drawers tryna find somethin to wear. I was still sleepy as hell, but I knew if I didn't go and see my P.O. it was going to be hell on Earth.

"Because I love your dumb ass... that's why..." I slammed the drawer shut and just ignored her.

Tina wouldn't know what love was even if it slapped her in the face.

"You not gon say nothing?"

I turned around and tossed my clothes on the bed. I leaned back against the dresser, putting my hands at the edge, gripping the wood. I was thinking about whether I wanted to tell her the truth; that I just called her over here because the woman that I actually wanted to have sex with is off limits or if I wanted to spare her feelings.

"Tina, I'm not in the mood to hurt your feelings, okay?" I ran my hands over my face and I think me not sayin that I loved her back struck a nerve.

"Michael we are too damn old to be playin these childish ass games!" She yelled at me, "When are we going to stop this huh?"

"Tina if it's really that bad to you then we ain't gotta ever have to talk again. I won't even pick up the phone to call," she looked at me in disbelief but then grabbed her shit fast as hell and made her way around the bed.

"Goodbye Michael," she brushed passed me and about thirty seconds later I heard my front door slam.

It was only six o'clock in the morning and I already had the biggest headache in the world.

Farrah POV


I was up on the early side of things this morning. The night where I don't get calls ordering me to come in is the night that I toss and turn in my bed. I don't think I was able to sleep a straight hour without waking up through the night. I also couldn't get over the fact that one of the first things that came to my mind when I finally decided to wake up for good was Michael. I had managed to convince myself that the only reason why he was on my mind is because he was the last person I saw last night other than his mother, but deep down I knew that wasn't the case.

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