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"I was a little inebriated when we...." I gave him a look as if to say, you know.

"...We?" Michael teased and raised his eyebrows in confusion.

He was playing games.

"You know what I'm talking about," I shot at him, exasperatingly. "I had a drink that night and I wasn't really myself. A lot had gone on that day."

Although I only had one glass of wine that night I did have a long day. With the case and my mom and sister on my behind at my dad's birthday party had been more than I bargained for.

So, I was a little stressed out and I tried to relieve that stress through a glass of wine which then resulted in me sleeping with Michael. I couldn't excuse my decisions, but I felt I had a damn good reason why I did what I did.

Michael scoffed and smirked at me as if to say, yeah right, but I rolled my eyes and folded my arms.

I wanted the spotlight off of me, so I quickly changed the subject. "Are we going to finish the movie?"

"I wanna know who I'm dealing wit..." Michael replied and this time I raised my eyebrows.

"Excuse me? What does that mean?"

He laughed. "It means I wanna know who you are Farrah."

I sighed and sat back down on the couch next to him. I wasn't up to going into grave detail about my personal life. I barely knew Michael, but I guess all that flew out the window the minute I slept with him?

I glanced at him and there was an awkward silence as he waited for me to start talking. I didn't feel too comfortable for we were sitting in the dimmed lighting of the living room. The only light that illuminated the room was from the kitchen and a little down the hallway from Michael's bedroom.

"Why don't you tell me who you are?" I turned my head to look him in the face.

"You ain't look me up?" He asked shockingly.

I shook my head. I had looked him up, but only about the case he was convicted for. I didn't care to look up anything else for at the time I didn't care and didn't see a need to.

"I find that hard to believe," he mumbled but before I could snap back with a remark he kept talking. "What you wanna know?"

"Whatever you share, I'll share," I gestured to him and Michael nodded his head in agreement.

I got a little more comfortable on the couch and brought my leg up as a separator and rested my back against the couches armrest.

"I'm 27," Michael said starting our game of question and answer. "You?"

I smiled, "28."

Michael cocked an eyebrow in surprise, but nodded his head as he wore a look of satisfaction.


"September fourteenth. You?"

"August twenty-ninth," he licked his bottom lip as he thought of his next question. "You still mess with... whatshisface?"

I rolled my eyes as I gave Michael a really look, but I answered. "Chris? No."

I was curious as to if I boosted his ego with that response or not, but he had on his best poker face so I was unable to detect anything.

"What's your family like?" Even though Michael was asking the initial questions I had became curious.

"Like family." I kissed my teeth at his vague answer and pushed for a more thorough one.

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