Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Science wasn't too bad. Again, I was stared at. For the rare times I was the center of attention, I was highly uncomfortable. I was assigned a seat in the back by Mr. Garrett. The table had only two girls who were already best friends. They laughed and giggled whenever the teacher would have his back turned to us. I did my best to concentrate and focus on the presentation on DNA.

I was taking notes on genetics when I noticed the girl with green eyes lean in to speak into her friend's ear. "I don't think we need to see anymore pictures of DNA. I've already seen the best product of great genes. Jake Summers," she said, waggling her eyebrows. The other girl burst out laughing. Mr. Garrett hushed at them a little too loudly. They paused for a few seconds.Then the girl with jet-black straight hair smirked playfully. "Hey, what about Wesley Hartmann?" The girl with blonde hair and green eyes laughed lightly and quietly, while looking towards the teacher. "He's hot. No doubt. But I don't have a death wish. He's scary as hell." The girl with black hair pondered over her words. "Yeah, you're right," she concluded, laughing slightly at the end.

I let out a breath I didn't realize I'd been holding in. The mention of Wes's name made me realize that right after study hall, I had to go straight to the cafeteria, where I would have to sit with him and his friends. I hope I don't stand out too badly. Wes had sent me popular-vibes the first time I saw him. That was probably why I really didn't want to talk to him too much at first. It was interesting how those girls were describing him though. They made him sound terrifying. And he wasn't, at least when he was talking to me earlier. At math though, that's a different story. The way he was staring, I can kind of see what those girls were talking about.

I remained quiet for the rest of the class. I took my notes and wrote down my homework, being completely ignored by those two girls. I didn't mind one bit. In fact, I was barely paying attention until they mentioned Wes. Besides, I was only thinking about him because I was nervous of what would happen at lunch. I never spoke a single word to anyone remotely popular in my old school. I just stayed the shy girl, with just a couple of friends. It didn't bother me too much, but when I'd see a group of kids laughing and messing around, it did affect me a bit. I never cared what they were laughing about and what the source of their fun was. I just knew that it was something exciting going on around me that I wasn't included in.

I shoved my thoughts to the back of my mind and picked up my binders. I had to go to homeroom for study hall, with Ms. Crenshaw. I decided that I'd rather go to the library and do some work there instead of being bored in Ms. Crenshaw's class. I began walking down the hall alone when I someone tug lightly at my ponytail.

I expected it to be Wes, but was surprised to see a pair of dark eyes and a bright smile looking back at me. "Hey, Flora," Elena said happily. "Do you want to come to the library for study hall?" She asked. I gave her a small smile. "Yeah! I was already planning on going." Elena's smile grew bigger. "Yay! Just go tell your homeroom teacher. I think you have Ms. Crenshaw. Janet told you did. She's the most boring teacher ever. Sucks to be you." I was having a hard time keeping up with Elena's face-paced conversation. We maneuvered through the hall and I walked into Ms. Crenshaw's room. The door was already open. Elena walked in with me.

"Just sign out there," she pointed towards a lined sheet that asked for the name, date, and location of where you were going. "You don't have to say anything to Ms. Crenshaw. I've done this before with Janet," Elena reassured me when I glanced over at the teacher. Believing her, I signed out and we both left the room, barely noticed by anyone.

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