Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

I was halfway done with my homework when I felt something in my jean pocket. I pulled out a crumbled piece of paper with the note from Dylan, with his phone number. I remembered what Elena said about Dylan on the bus. How I should get to know him better. I debated whether to text him or not. After thinking about the fact that we were both going to the mall, I decided on texting him. It was harmless after all.

I put his number in my contacts and added his name.

Hey Dylan, it's Flora.

I turned off my phone after so I wouldn't be distracted. Besides, I didn't really care about if Dylan texted me back or not. I would just have to make sure he didn't get any wrong ideas. He did seem into me after all.

I barely had time to start on the next question in the homework packet when my phone buzzed.

I knew u would text me back.

I rolled my eyes. I wouldn't even need to look at the contact name to know he was the one who'd sent that message. I put my phone beside me on my bed, next to my binder, pencil, and homework packet.

A couple messages popped up, each I chose to ignore. They were basic things like talking about the mall and how we should sit next to each other in the car. I'm not sure what it was, but attraction, however small, I'd had for Dylan when I first met him had faded completely in the course of a couple days.

I glanced a couple of times at my phone, scanning the messages briefly from Dylan until one stood out from the rest. Because the text wasn't from Dylan, it was from Wes.

Can u meet me at the start of your neighborhood?

Curious, I picked up my phone and immediately texted back.


I stared at my phone as I waited for him to text back, ignoring the incoming texts coming from Dylan. I really shouldn't have texted Dylan in the first place.

I'll tell u when u get there.

I looked to my backpack and binders, then to my phone. There was no way I'd get enough studying done if I went to hang out with Wes in the middle of a Thursday.

I can't right now.

It's not like I didn't want to see Wes again. If anything, I craved him. Everything I felt when I was around him was intoxicating. But I had to finish my homework and shower. By then I'd be too exhausted and it would be too late to go see him. He would just have to wait until tomorrow.

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