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"Hey Flora," she sounded genuinely nice. A little too nice. "Wes wants to talk to you. He's looking for you." Elena turned from her friend group to send me a half-smirk. Ignoring my nosy friend, I scanned the crowd of people and spotted Wes near the doors. He was easy to find since he was taller than most of the guys. Even the seniors.

His eyes locked with mine, and for a second it felt like I forgot to breathe. He began began walking towards me, maneuvering through the sea of students. A lot of people would pause to look at him with either a flirtatious, wary, or slightly nervous expression. Elena subtly guided her friends towards the building.

His hard look melted from his face as soon as his cobalt eyes scanned my dark hazel ones. His look lingered on me longer than usual. I started to feel slightly nervous. Being looked at so intensely, I was beginning to feel insecure. "I'm gonna go find Riley," Lauren said, and it felt like she was breaking a trance. I'd forgotten she was there. Wes glanced at Lauren briefly. "We'll catch up," he said, his voice curt. Lauren then walked away. We were behind the entire crowd of students.

"You got my texts, right?" he said, looking back at the group of people wandering into the building. I nodded. He sounded so much different today. His voice was more brusque. I was taken back for a second. But then, when he turned back to look at me, he looked apologetic. I noticed that his eyes were slightly red, and there was a red cut across the side of his face near his jaw.

"Do You have History first period?" I nodded, confused. I kept turning to look at the few remaining students entering the building. I think he noticed me looking back. "I'll tell you everything later, Flora," he said. He sounded distant. I felt sympathetic for him, even though I

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