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Dylan laughed dryly. "She doesn't belong to you. She can be around me as much as she wants, and you can't do anything about it." I hated how they were talking as if I wasn't standing right there, hearing everything.

Wes tensed up noticeably. His whole demeanor changed dangerously. Then, without thinking, I reached out and grasped onto Wes's arm. My heart surprisingly raced at the sudden contact. I then talked as clearly as I could. "It's fine. We'll talk later," I said as soothingly as I could. His blue eyes shifted to look down on me. He expression softened slightly the second he looked.

He nodded, and before I could do anything else, he slowly backed up and began walking down the hall. He looked back a few times. Though this time, his eyes were solely focused on me. Once he was farther away, Dylan sighed.

"Okay, I've gotta ask.What's going on between you two?" I shrugged, slightly angry at Dylan for making Wes upset. I barely had time to register the amount of hurt I could tell from his tone, even with the casual way he spoke.

"Let's just go inside," I said softly. We both entered the room, as Dylan lead me to a seat next to him in the back. The class was already mostly full. I got a few looks as I walked beside Dylan. I wondered how many people knew me because of Wes.

The desks were designed just like the way they were in English. Straight rows. I sat with Dylan to my left and another girl to my right.

Mr. Baudin went up to the board and began writing sentences in French for us to translate. I took out some scratch paper and a pencil and began working quietly as usual.

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