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I made my way through the crowded halls, not spotting Wes anywhere. Once I made it to Ms. Moran's room, he still wasn't there. All three girls were at my table. Everyone else was there as well.

Everyone was out of their seats talking with one another. I must've scanned the room twenty times before I concluded Wes wasn't here.

Class continued as usual. No sign of Wes. My heart sank in my chest. Finally, half way through the lesson, I asked Ms. Moran if I could go to the bathroom. Clara and Jesse exchanged amused looks, and I wondered if they knew I was truly just trying to find Wes.

Mr. Moran smiled. "Of course, Flora." I got out of my seat, trying to hide my haste. I turned the doorknob and began my search down the hall.

It was completely empty. I started feeling a bit nervous. I'd check upstairs, then downstairs, then I'd go back to class. Wes probably had to go home for some appointment or maybe he was sick.

I was done checking the upstairs. A dreadful feeling of disappointment grew inside me. That disappointment soon shifted to a feeling of embarrassment. I couldn't believe myself. I was basically skipping class for him. I didn't even care to check the downstairs. I was beginning to not care.

I was near the steps where there was a short distance between the classrooms. A practically empty space.

I leaned against the wall, debating what to do. I had closed my eyes for a few seconds when it happened.

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