chapter 5

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The next morning, I woke up with a couple of hours to spare before leaving for work. DD was going to go and explore the town with some old friends of his, Mum and dad were spending the day with each-other.

I took out my black purple work shirt and a pair of jeans and started getting ready. Put on a high pony tail and then slipped on a pair of black converse.  My make-up stayed simple, besides, it was only work. 

Everyone was gone ao I locked up the front door and left. 


 I was already in a couple of hours of work when everything acually started getting a bit busy.  Gary asked me to restock things in a few aisles before returning tk my usual cash register duty. I was bent down putting a few extra boxes of crackers on the bottom self when I was interupted.

  "Excuse me..." I heard his voice above from me for the second time out of school this week. I got up and looked up at him, Mr.Hunter's face turning into amusement. "Claire, its weird that we keep running into each-other like this." 

  "Yeah, small town I guess." I laughed off the awkwardness. 

  "Yeah you work here? I've never seen you here before." He said as I stood up strait in order to be eye to eye, or in our sense, eye to chin. 

  "Well, I worked here last year, but when everything started happeneing, my manager told me to take some time off and come back later on. So, todats my first day back at work." I shrugged at how pathetic that must have sounded. He nodded in understanding. "So what was it that you needed?" I asked attempting  to get off of this subject.

  "Of right, I was looking for some...Tylenol. I've been having some ridiculous headaches lately." He said. I couldn't help but feel like we just had one of those normal Student-teacher relationship when just yesterday we had been flirting in the parking lot. 

  "Okay, just follow me." I told him as I started walking to where the Tylenol was at.  As we arrived I bent down and picked one up gor him and handed it to him. "Is that all?" I asked him

   "Yeah, I think so." 

  "Alright then, when you're all done I'll be in the same asle as I was in before, just come and get me and I'll cash you out. Unfortunately  along with the restocking the shelves, I'm the only one working the register today." I smiled. 

  "Thats alright, I like it that way." He smirked. After noticing mt shyness, he went on, "But, I should be done soon." 

 I nodded, "Cool, see you in a bit then." I said as I walked away. Now that's the relationship I remember having with him. 

 After a few momenta after I had been stocking the selfs, he came up to me again. I smiled up at him.

  "Ready to cash out?"

  "Yes I am." He responded. I stood up and walked past him to the counter. He smirked, "So will I be seeing you next saturday as well?" 

  I giggled, "Why? Is that when you usually come in? On saturdays?" 

  "Most of the time, Wednesdays on occasion." He chuckled. 

 "Well, yes. I will start working my regular shift, which is usally on weekends because of school." I said while ringing his thinga up. Then thought to myself, I did use to work Wednesdays.

We talked back and fourth and laughed here and there. 

  "Bye Claire." 

  "Bye.." I couldn't help but stair at him while he walked off. 

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