Chapter 23

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I decided to go to school the next day, only because I wanted to see Ethan and tell him everything that my mom said to me in the car. I knew that he'd be happy to hear it, just as I was in that moment. I was happy to be back home. I missed my house, my bed, my closet. I missed my mom especially. She didn't do anything to deserve any of this.

I got up from my bed and escaped into my closet. I finally decided against my recent choices of hoodies and sweatpants. I knew it was time to be brave and go against everything negative that people might have to say about me. I had to show that I wouldn't let it bother me anymore, and I wouldn't end up in this position ever again. I chose a black cropped top that met with a muli-colors flora skirt and dark pink pumps to go with it. I slid on some silver bangles, and rested the single diamond that Ethan had gotten me around my neck, leaving it perfectly in place. I kept my hair hanging long, with loose curls and full of volume. I had to apply a little bit more of make-up than usual, but only to cover the dark rings that left proof of my weakness around my eyes. They had become so visible these past few weeks. I felt good, and confident once I was done. I have to say, I was proud of myself. Then I thought, if it wasn't for Ethan, my mom, Madison, and DD, I'd still be locked up in my shell.

I went downstairs, and though to the kitchen where my mom stood cooking breakfast. And to my surprise, DD was also up and sitting at the counter. I smiled at them both.

"Oh, honey, you look beautiful!" My mom gushed setting a plate in front of me as I say down in a chair.

"Thank you." I said flattered.

"I'm glad to see you got your wardrobe back." She joked.

"Yeah, I've missed it." I spoke truthfully.

Soon enough, I was on my way out of the door. I was a little nervous about what I might encounter at school; who I might run into, and what they might have to say. I pulled into the parking lot, and instantly smiled once I was Ethan's car. I climbed out of my seat, and shut my door. As I walked through the courtyard I got stares from all over, which was something else that I was worried about. I tried ignoring them, knowing I was stronger than letting it get to me, at least that's what I tried convincing myself of. Nate snuck up from behind me and put his arm around me, comforting me.

"Don't worry, I've got your back." He smiled.

That's when I realized that I really was stronger than all of the pressure, because of all of the friends I had standing by my side. "Oh and I also fully support you." His continued comment caught me off guard.

"What are you talking about?"

"You and Mr.Dolan. You didn't really think I wouldn't figure it out, didn't you?" He smirked.

"How do you know?"

"I was at the hospital when he showed up to see you, and the doctor knew his name already, which meant he had been there before. Plus, Jamie told me about his argument with him, before he punched Jamie in the face."

I remembered Ethan telling me about what Jamie had said in Pennsylvania. I was actually a little mad at Jamie for doing what he did. It also explained why he hasn't talked to me much since that has happened.

"Right. . ."I said accepting it. How stupid of me. Everyone knew, except mom, and even she was acting weird.

"Don't worry, Claire. I won't say anything to anyone. I just can't believe you had the guts to do something like this. I know you're all bad ass and shit, but it just doesn't seem like you, and that's exactly why I accepted it."

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