Chapter 15

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~A week later~

  It was only a few hours before Thanksgiving dinner, and before Ethan would be showing up. While looking for the perfect thing to wear, I realized how nerve-wracking this all really was. My dad and DD just got here yesterday, which puts even more pressure on Ethan, considering our situation. I told DD about mom inviting Ethan, and he instantly grinned. I told him that he couldn't say anything about it at all because Ethan had no idea that he knew anything yet.

I slid into a bright red Sweetheart that pined close to my body fitting my body structure, and a black pair of suede wedged boots. I pinned half of my wavy hair back into a bow and stuck with some simple make-up.

Suddenly, DD waltzed into my room and plopped down on my bed.

"You nervous?" He asked.

I nodded, "Yes." I said completely honest.

"Don't worry. . . I've got your guys' backs." He smirked.

"Thanks DD, but you're not even supposed to know. I told you that you can't say anything tonight."

He rolled his eyes, "I still can't believe this is even happening, It's just your luck that mom had to invite him."

I nodded in agreement, "I know." I walked out of the bathroom and to my desk where I laid out my locket necklace that my mom had bought me on my last birthday.

"Well, at least you look good. Considering I don't know what he looks like, I can't wait to see him." He smirked.

I shook my head. "He's to die for DD. Super hot, and gorgeous, DD." I smiled to myself.

He shook his head, "Don't make me puke." He fake gagged.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were still a thirteen year old bout at heart." I rolled my eyes at him.

He laughed as he stood and left the room. Once I was finished, I headed downstairs as well.

Then right as I stepped foot upon the first step going down, the doorbell rang. Ringing everyone's ears. My stomach sank just as I reached the last step and went to open the door. There he stood, looking as great as always. He wore a blue and black plaid button-up shirt with a plain white shirt underneath and black jeans. He smiled that astonishing smile, and I lost a bit of my breath. I finally managed to grin back at him.

"Hi." He simply said.

"Hi. . ." I replied, biting my lip and not bothering to take my gaze away from him.

"ETHAN!" My mom shouted from behind me, "CLAIRE! Let the poor guy in!" She said to me, bringing me out of my reverie. I opened the door a little wider for him to walk in.

"This kitchen's back this way!" My mom said walking back toward the food that her and dad were preparing. "Make yourself at home!" She continued before she was out of sight. My gaze stuck to the ground. I already felt embarrassed, and he hadn't even been here for five minutes. I shut the door behind him and he tried getting a better look at my face. Then eventually, he tilted my chin up so that I was looking at him.

"Hey, let's just make the most of this, okay?" His voice soft and husky, making my insides tingle a bit.

I nodded. He face me a reassuring smile, and quickly kissed my cheek.

"It's not going to be that bad. It might even be fun! Trust me." his eyes were weakening me every second they could. I hated it since I just wanted him alone.

"I trust you." I finally squeaked.

"Good. You look beautiful, by the way!" He said gently pushing me toward the kitchen, "Now, let's go."

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