Chapter 13

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Two Months Later...


  It was the week before the school let us off for our Thanksgiving Vacation. Everyone hassled, and the teachers were bored. Most lessons ended early on in the week, which pretty much made the idea of going to school, pointless. Although, I, of course, didn't mind. Ever since the night at Ethan's apartment, we've been inseparable. Our secret has remained a secret, and we've been making progress every day.

It was Friday morning, and I was getting ready for school just as my mom walked into my room.

"Hey honey, I know you'll be in school, but I won't be home for most of the day. And then after school, Mr.Gallagher has scheduled conferences for me with your teachers." She smiled.

"Oh okay." Then I thought about Ethan, "Wait what?" I rephrased my reaction.

"Yeah, I know. It's ridiculous. They can't just let you be." She said, actually in a completely different direction than I was headed in, but that had to be kept in my mind anyways.

"Yeah. . . It's been over six months. He needs to let it go."

"Well, I'll go to these, and request that they leave it alone for a while. If they start seeing signs of instability then we'll talk." She discretely suggested

I nodded, "Yeah, but I think I'll be fine."

"Alright, well I'll let you finish getting ready. I'll see you later okay?" She said before disappearing out of my room. I though about how Ethan was going to handle this. I wasn't going to be there, and quite frankly, this was his first time meeting my parents. Whether it was a formal introduction of my boyfriend, or just a teacher's conference, it makes me a little nervous for him. Hopefully my mom doesn't ask any embarrassing questions after she realizes how gorgeous he is, or floods him with embarrassing stories of me. Which would be worse. But, knowing Ethan, he would go right along with it and laugh, Then later on, he'll pick on me when we're alone. It made me giggle to myself. He always does that to me.

That day, I decided to wear my a grey shirt, with black skinny jeans that are cut from the knees, then a pair of combat boots. Finally to finish the look I put on a black jean jacket. Then my was finished. I straightened my hair until it was pin straight, then I created a smoky eye look with my make-up.


Getting out of car at school, I didn't run into Ethan like usual in the parking lot. But Maybe he was here early for other conferences. I hoped so. I really didn't want to be the only person with parent-teacher conferences today. I stopped thinking about it as I approached a table outside in the courtyard with Madi. She looked up and smiled at me.

"Hey girly!" She said.

"Hey!" I said enthusiastically.

"How's it going?"

"It's going good. How about you?"

"Great... Colton and I are doing great too.." She said suddenly changing the topic.

"Are you? Mads, that's awesome!" I said.

She had started dating Colton the night of Halloween. They went to a party together, ended up having a blast, and then later that night he asked her to be his girlfriend. So, she's been especially happy lately. Almost like me, when I think about Ethan. I also kept her up to date with us as well. I told her about what had happened at his apartment that night. She wasn't too impressed. but she understood.

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