Chapter 20

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    Before I knew it, I had fallen asleep while sitting in one of the chairs in the waiting room. I woke up to the sound of large amount of talking around me. I opened my eyes to see Liz, Jamie and Madison standing around talking to the doctor. I felt a little out of place with Jamie there. HE didn't know me that well, and he didn't know that mine and Claire's relationship even existed outside of school. I stood up, stretching my arms. Liz turned to me and instantly took me in her arms. She held onto me tightly.

"Thank you so much, Ethan." She cried. I brought my arms around her. I knew how she felt tight now. Jamie's stare on me remained impassive. I didn't know what his problem was, but I didn't care at this point. Eventually, Liz dismissed herself to the cafeteria to get drinks for everyone.

As she disappeared down the hallway, Jamie looked directly back at me. "Do you realize that what you're doing is extremely wrong?" He said in a judgmental tone.

"Excuse me?" I stared hard at him.

"Jamie, don't." Madison interrupted.

His stare didn't mine, "You are her teacher! You may have her mom fooled, but I know better. Stay away from my best friend." I stared at him in disbelief.

Suddenly, before anything else could be said, Madison's hand welted him across his cheek, causing my jaw to drop.

"If it weren't for Him, you might not even have a best friend right now, Jamie! Have some respect!" I smirked a little at her support.

He shook his head, not believing that she slapped him. "I just think it's rather selfish..."

She looked mad, "Jamie, you don't know anything about their relationship."

"I know that it's Illegal, and it shouldn't be happening. Someone should know about this thing..." He said, seeming not to care about the red hand print that was across his face.

My fists started to clench as Madison tried talking him out of it, but he kept running his mouth. Soon enough, he got too far under my skin.

"She's so stupid for doing something like this. Especially with him." He was yelling over Madison now. I doubled up my fist, and before I knew it, my knuckles were clung to his face, in a swift punch. Madison let out a shriek as Jamie fell to the ground. Shit. I thought to myself as he looked up at me. I, civilly brought my hand down to him and tried helping him up from the floor.

"Are you done?" I asked. He looked up at me, looking a little guilty, but nodded. "Good." I finished and looked over at Madison, whose eyes were wide. "Sorry Mads.'

She shrugged it off with a small, slightly uncomfortable laugh. "It's okay."

Eventually, Liz was back with us and she had gotten me water. She really was a sweet lady.

She handed me the bottle, "You've been through a lot these past twenty-four hours. You could use this."

I smirked and took the bottle from her hands. Damn, was I thirst. After a little while, Dr.Tonsdale came back out into the waiting room.

"Wow, there's more of you today.: She laughed. Liz stood up.

"Hello, I'm Claire's mother." She smiled weakly.

"AH, wonderful. I'm Dr.Tonsdale, I talked to Mr.Dolan and Miss.Palvin a little last night, but I've been waiting for a chance to meet with you."

As she started explaining the same things she explained to me, I told them I was going out to her car to see if there was anything in her stuff that she might want when she wakes up, and then I was going to the gift shop. She might like waking up to some flowers and maybe balloons.

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