Chapter 18

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~OVER A Month Later~

Things had gotten worse and worse as time went on. Shantel didn't give up. She was determined to make mine and Ethan'srelationship impossible, no matter how much I denied it. It was the Sunday after New Years, January sixth. I was sitting in my room with Madi next to me. My old habits have resurfaced, and she had a look of pity in her eyes towards me, but she remained quiet and didn't mention it. I was wearing an outfit, I seemed to know to well from the previous year. I had on a Jack Wills hoodie on and a pair of Black And Gray Yoga pants from 'PINK'. I looked like the walking dead. Not being able to spend time with Ethan because of Shantel, was fucking infuriating, It was killing me!

"What are you going to do?" Madi asked me, seeming a little upset. She bit her nails to a short range losing her long lashed nails.

"I have to end it. . ." I sulked to Madison.

"Claire..." She said desperately. "You love Ethan." She said trying to remind me.

"YOU DON'T THINK I FUCKING KNOW THAT MADISON?!" I snapped at her, tears already took its toll on sliding down my reddened cheeks.


"I'm sorry Madi. . .It's just that I refuse to let him lose his first job over me. I'm just a dumb girl trying to find a dumb love scene. Or something like that." I looked down at my fingernails picking at the Black and White Nail polished that was applied a week ago.



The Next morning, I woke up alone, as I have been for the past month. I wanted so desperately to have Ethan's arms wrapped around me and to even hear that annoying sound of his alarm clock waking us both up. As long as I knew I was with him. I sat up from my bed and sighed at the thought of a long school day; back to the horrific statements from Shantel.

I changed into a new pair of black Yoga pants with a purple band around the top of them with the initials of 'PINK' labeled on them. I slipped on a plain white v-neck and decided to skip over the hoodie considering how hot it was outside. I threw my hair up into a messy bun, applied some make-up covering up the dark bags that had laid out under my eyes from my lack of sleep. I picked up my school bag and ran out the door; skipping breakfast as well.


I got to school and was humming, I looked to my right and noticed Ethan Dolan stepping out of his car. I instantly felt like I had been punched in the gut. I looked away from him, on the verge of tears. We were still together, but we weren't risking anything by being together outside of school, or in school for that matter, which meant no after school 'tutoring' anymore either.

We were almost walking alongside each other as we made our way into the courtyard. I quickly looked up at him with hurtful eyes, and then back toward the walk ahead of me. I then quickened my pace over to Madison. No words were exchanged, no 'I See You Later.'; nothing.

As I walked into my homeroom class with Madison at my side, there was a not sitting at my desk. I took a deep breath and picked it up.

'Clarissa, I would like to see you after school. Please don't forget. -Principal Wilson'

I looked down at it confused out of my mind. Great. I thought.

The rest of the day was painfully slow, especially math. My gaze never left the edge of my desk. I daydreamed and was left distracted the entire time. Once the bell rang I got up and shoved all of my dumb math shit into my arms and walked out of the door and to my locker. I got my bag and slipped a few folders in them. I slung it over my arm and started making my way over to Mr.Wilson's office. As I inched closer, I took in a sharp intake of breath. I placed my hand inches away from the door...

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