Chapter 37

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Sorry it took me so long to post this:(

      That night was one of my favorite nights with Ethan. Even though we were worried about a few things, we still decided to be playful and silly like we used to before we had any problems. I cooled for him and my Father, and we ate dinner together, which was actually good for us. I told them about how nervous I was about meeting with Mrs.Mitchell. Seeing as it was coming up faster than I thought it would. Ethan helped me put my artwork in a portfolio to bring to the lunch for her to choose from, and the rest of the night was quiet, but not in a boring way, in a way that was comforting and in our case, back to normal.

The next morning, I woke up to my alarm blaring Teenage Dirtbag by Wheatus. Usually, I hated waking up to music because it was a song I hated, but instead, because of the good mood I was in, I instantly got out of bed. I stared at Ethan who tossed and turned in my bed until he finally peeled his eyes open and looked at me.

"You like his song?" He asked with that morning smile that always did things to me.

I giggled a little, "Yeah..." I said in embarrassment.

He says up with a smile, "It's okay I actually like this song too. It just surprised me that you be into something like this." He motioned over to the song.

I grinned as I climbed on my bed and started to jump, as I shouted out the lyrics to the song. I ignored the pain in my legs, knowing I had to suck it up if I wanted them to heal faster. He started to laugh out loud, before bringing me into him by my knees, making me drop on his lap. He wrapped his arms around my waist, as I was a bit taller than him in this sense.

I Lent down and kissed him deeply, "Time for school." I laughed as I pulled away.

"Yaay." He said holding out the syllables without enthusiasm.

"It'll be fine. We only have a little more time left. Enjoy it." I smiled, as I got up, shut my radio off and ran to my closet.

I kept my outfit simple, very simple. I decided to wear a blue, green and dark pink tie-dye shirt with a pair of ripped jean shorts with a pair of my Black and white Jordan's. My hair was slightly curlier than usual form sleeping on it, and I added a black headband to put in it. I walked out of the closet after getting dressed and noticed Ethan's things scattered on my bed, while he was in the bathroom. I smiled and shook my head, as I went to my body mirror, and started to apply my makeup, and realized I had to use a bit more to cover up than I was hoping for, just to cover the bruises on my legs. I moved some of Ethan's things over and sat down to start to apply the concealer on to my legs, trying my best to cover up every inch of them.

Ethan walked out in a grey blazer with a faded blue shirt underneath, and a pair of black pants. He shook his head around in his hands just before looking up at me. He noticed what I was doing and gave me a sympathetic smile.

"Can you help me?" I asked.

"Of course!" He walked over to me.

"Will you cover up the bruises I can't see on the back of my legs, please?" I asked, holding out the bottle of skin colored makeup.

"Sure." He said taking it.

I stood up and he bent down so that he was leveled with my legs, and he squirted some in his hand and started to rub it in over a bruise, circling the concealer until it blended into my skin. Then he contained with the rest of them. It amazing me to see how many I didn't realize I actually had. If I'm honest, it actually made me quite sad.

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