Chapter 30

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A couple months later...

Ethan's POV

It's now April. Prom is on the horizon, graduation is getting closer and Shelby still hasn't left, but I can't exactly kick her out of the state, and I can't really complain because she hasn't really done much. She hasn't bothered Claire in any way since I've talked to her, but she has come knocking on my door pretty often. I decided not to tell Claire, because I know that, that would only hurt her and that's the last thing I wanted for her. The new guy in school, Antonio, asked Claire to prom, and she couldn't say no without a proper excuse. Honestly I didn't mind. I knew they were friends but if he were to try anything else, that's when I would most likely get in the middle, and neither of us want that. I don't know what this could do for us, seeing as she couldn't go to prom with me even though she wanted -wants- to.

I was lying on my bed, with the TV on although it was muted. I was texting Claire like I usually do. She was on her way over to show me a drawing that she had just finished. I glanced over at the drawing of her she had done for me for Valentine's day. It was sitting on top of my dresser, and I had to smile when I looked over at it. Suddenly, there was a knock at my door. I knew that it couldn't have been Claire already, and I know for sure that she would have just walked in, like she usually does. Then it came to me, Shelby. I had finally had enough, and went to answer the door. As soon as the door swung open, she strutted past me and into my apartment.

"You need to leave. And stop bugging me." I said succinctly.

'You won't even give me a chance to talk, and I'm not leaving until you hear what I have to say." She argued.

"Make it fast.." I snapped at her.

"Why? Oh, is Claire on her way?" She said with a suspicious smile.

"Say what you have to say.."I ignored her question.

"Welllllll, I think you're making a mistake."

I laughed, "So, I've heard...Is that it?" I rolled my eyes.

"You and Claire are really on in the same. Can't give the time of day for anyone."

"Not for people who are trying to get in the way...Which you are, Shelby."

"Don't tell me I've cause problems for you." She smiled, as if she were proud.

"You would get enjoyment out of that." I shook my head. I was about to walk into my room and call the front desk to get her out of my apartment, until I realized I left my phone in the kitchen where Shelby was currently located at. As I walked in I realized her staring at my phone.

She looked back up at me, acting as if she hadn't done anything, "Just give me a chance to prove to you that it's supposed to be me and not her." She said trying to seem sincere, but failing. I grabbed my phone, and noticed that there wasn't a notification of a new message, of Claire had let me know she was at the building.

"We haven't been together for over a year now...I'm not getting back with you, Shelby. You...Need to leave." I protested.

Suddenly she seemed to be thinking but before I could asked what she was thinking about her lips were on mine and my apartment door was opening, which meant it could only be one persom. I squirmed out of Shelby's grip on my neck, and turned to see a horrified Claire. She had a canvas in her hand, and her hair was cut short, just a little bit below her shoulders. Her breathing was uneven, and before she managed to walk out, she threw her canvas to the floor, turning her heal and walking out.

After she slammed the door, I turned to Shelby, "Get the hell out of my place. Now." I said stictly. I took a deep breath brfore picking up Claire's canvas. I opened it up to see a large portrait of me. On top of it, there was a manila envelope. I opened it up to see an acceptance letter to an art school called

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