Chapter 25

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About a month later

It's almost time for the sixties Grease decade dance. I took Ethan's advice and convinced Madison and Carly to join the decoration committee. We've been having a lot more fun with it than we thought we would. There's actually a lot of people we get along with that are helping out as well, which made it so much better for us. The decoration committee not only had to be in charge of decorating, but we were also volunteered for music also... Well, those of us who could sing and perform. So, we had to perform Grease music, and some other retro music as well, which I though would be a lot of fun.

I had been 'dating' Connor for a while now. It's been hard on mine and Ethan's relationship because I've hardly been able to see him. Connor's always taking up my time. I hate it, but like Ethan said, I have to get along with it in order for our relationship to last. If you were asking me, I think it was making everything much worse instead of better. I wanted the weekend with Ethan at his place, but unfortunately, Connor asked me to the dance and Ethan suggested that I didn't say no because it would only cause suspicions. I like Connor, don't get me wrong, but those feelings went away the night of the party. I guess I was a pretty good actress. I try to think of it as we've gone back in time and this is our second chance, only to keep it more realistic. But in the end, it doesn't matter what I do with Connor, Ethan never leaves my mind. I wished desperately that graduation would just come and go so that I could have him to myself. I hate not being with him. This dance was going to be such a drag, but I have to act as if I'm having the time of my life.

Of course tonight's the dance, also known as Friday night, the night I should be spending with my actual boyfriend, not the 'publicity stunt' as Ethan and I like to call it. I keep wondering how it would be if Connor were to find out. I don't want to hurt him, that is not at all my intention. I just want to keep peace with the school so that Ethan and I are able to move on from the ridiculous disruptions in our relationship. Walking into school, I already felt tired. Tired of pretending and having no choice of my own to what I do on a Friday night. I must have forgotten how literally exhausting it was to have a boyfriend in high school.

I casually met up with Ethan before homeroom. I walked into his room, and was immediately excited to see his face light up when he saw me. At lease I know I still have that hold on him.

I smiled, "Hey there stranger."

"Hi." He said with a wide grin and swooped me up in a hug.

"I miss you." I said with a pouty face.

He smirked, "I miss you too. But you're in luck."

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"I signed up to chaperone tonight." He said with a gleam in his eyes. "Maybe you can save me a getaway from your boyfriend later on during the dance?" He suggested.

I felt my face get hot as I felt the butterflies soar through me. "Sounds like a plan." I grinned.

"Good, now get to class before you're late!" H leaned down and kissed me. "I love you." He said as he pulled away.

I bit my lip, "I love you too." And finally, I left his room and made my way to homeroom.

The rest of the day was boring. After school, I had to stay late to help decorate for the dance, which didn't exactly give me much time to get ready for it either. I didn't care before, but now I knew Ethan was going to be there, and it's almost like my duty to tease him. He probably know to be ready for me as well.

I walked into the gym where the dance was being held with Madison and Carly at my sides. Most of the boys were in charge of where things went and the lighting. A Grease dance. It seems so foreign to me. I mean I love the movie, but I haven't seen it in a so long I forgot what it's really about. After we were done decorating, the three of us left to go back to my house and decided to get ready together. Madison caught me alone for a little bit because Carly had to go home to get her dress.

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