Chapter 32

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  Later that week, things were finally back to normal, and I was grateful to have Gary and Ethan in my life...And in the baby's life. Ethan and I had decided that when the baby is born, that Gary should be the godfather. I was sitting in my room, getting ready to spend a day with the two of the. We were going to go out for lunch, and then Ethan planned to take me somewhere later on.

I was dressed in a white baby doll shirt over a pair of black pants, but I decided to pack a pair of Victoria's Secret cropped yoga pants and an oversized sweatshirt in my bag just in case I got uncomfortable. My hair was slightly wavy with a headband in it. I yawned briefly from the fatigue and grabbed my phone. One text from Ethan.

Ethan: 'Hey baby, I'm on my way over. I've got Gary with me. :D'

I noticed the time on the message, and figured he could be here any minute. I picked up my bag, and threw it over my shoulder. Slipping into some flip flops, I went downstairs to wait. Some would this it's a horrible idea for me to be around my parents when I didn't have to be because of my bump, but I thought otherwise. If I avoided them, then that would only give them more oh a reason to come around me and to ask me questions that I might not be able to answer to them. It was a death trap disguised at it's finest. Although, I'll admit that the questions don't just stop because I come around, both my parents are still inquisitive people. I sat at the counter watching my parents make lunch for themselves. MOm has been very flustered lately, and oddly enough, My father's been around more than she has. I started to wonder why he hadn't gone back to Ohio yet. He couldn't have quit his job, so why? my mom is planning a trip to go bridal shows in some of the largest cities across the country for a minimum of two months. The only time that she was coming home was for my graduation, other than that, my dad was in charge, which could mean good things for Ethan and I. My dad likes Ethan, and although he doesn't know I'm pregnant yet, he'll let Ethan stay over when he wanted and he'll be able to walk around without worrying.

"Honey, are you gaining weight?" My mom asked as she popped a grape in her mouth.

I panicked a little on the inside, but tried my best to stay calm. "What? Does it look like I'm getting fat?" I stared down at my stomach, hoping to sound like a dramatic teenager.

"Maybe you're bloated?" She looked at me questioningly, hoping that she hadn't offended me any.

I thought of the perfect excuse, "Oh, well I do have my period, so you're probably right. I feel a little bloated." I lied. She smiled softly to me, before my phone vibrated in my pocket. I took it out, it was from Ethan. I smiled brightly at it.

'Well Gary's here to pick me up. I'll see you guys later." I said running towards the door.

I opened my front door to see Ethan's Range Rover in the driveway. I smirked, and ran to the passenger's side door, where Gary was standing. He was getting out and holding the door open for me to get it. Making me giggle.

"Ladies always get shotgun." He winked.

I laughed, "Why thank you." I said as ladylike as I could as I took his hand and climbed in. It was some kind of princess role play or something. It made me smile. Once he shut my door, I turned to Ethan who had a smile gently playing at him lips. I leaned over almost instantly kissing his cheek.

"Hi." I said in the most innocent voice.

"Hey there." He smirked.

Before I knew it, we were off to lunch. On the drive there, they asked to why I was wearing dresses, and telling me that it made it look more obvious. I decided to explain to them that now my stomach was growing and none of my jeans would fit, as well as half of my shirts didn't do a great job at hiding it either. The cardigans over my dress were the only somewhat a good way to hide it all. I told them my mom noticed as well, and that I had to tell her that I was bloated. They both laughed, but they offered to take me out to get new clothes after lunch, which I thought was very sweet of them.

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