Chapter 10

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WARNING Y'all this has some maturity stuff in it but it shouldn't be too bad. But PLEASE ENJOY Tho


The next morning, my mind was still a mess.

I walked into the bathroom, brushed my teeth and took my hair out of my messy bun. I took out my curling iron, and left it to heat up. I walked to my closet and looked through it finding an outfit. Today was the day. I could feel it. I needed to take that step with Ethan, and there was nothing that was gonna get in the way of that.
I searched my closet for something cute. I settled on a red ruffled tank top, blue skinny jeans and a black suede pumps. I curled my hair, and brushed through them to make them into soft waves. I added silver feather earring, and an angle wink necklace, and then I was off to start my day.

Today, I didn't run into Ethan in the parking lot. It was probably a good thing, because I wanted to pounce on him at any second, but I thought I should save that for after school. But as soon as I turned to look back at the parking lot to make sure I wasn't missing him, I bumped right into him and jumped back in surprise.

"Jumpy?" He said laughing in his husky toned voice.

I nodded as I stared up at him, almost like it was the first time I had ever seen him. "I have to go!."

"Are you okay?" He asked with a captivating smile.

I nodded, "Yes. Just trust me... I really need to go."

"Alright... I guess, I'll see you in class then??" He asked as I started walking away.

"Yeah! See you then!" I said. I hoped desperately that he didn't take it wrong as I walked to my locker. Seeing him just now, already made me weak. Why did I feel so different today? It's like I thrived off of him. Madison ran up to me as I took out my books for first period science. God, I hated science. I could never understand it... any of it.

"Hey!" She said excitedly. She took one look at me, and was confused. "You look anxious."

"Yeah, let's change the subject... Why ate you so smiley this early?"

"Uh,. Alright..." She looked as puzzled as ever, but she continued. "Well, Colton and I are ongoing a date tomorrow night!" She giggled.

"Really? That's awesome Mad's! What are you going to do?" I asked.

"Not sure, yet. He hasn't said."

"Well, I hope you have fun!" I smiled proudly at her.


Eventually, I was sitting in Science, completely distracted from reality. I doodled all over my assignment sheets and didn't write a single thing down, This was bad. I needed something else to think about.

"Miss.Winter? Are we boring you?" Mrs.Bates called out to me. I instantly looked up at her. Quite frankly, yes. You were. I thought but decided to just shake my head and avoid any trouble. "Good, then can you stop daydreaming, and tell me what exothermic reaction is?" she didn't ask me, she told me. Everyone's eyes fixed on me all bodies were just facing me.

I thought to myself. Exothermic. The prefix 'Exo' means outer... and the 'thermic' part of it obviously had to do with heat. Then suddenly I remembered reading about it in the textbook.

"A reaction where heat is lost," I replied, hoping to god that I was right. I looked at my left and saw Colton smiling at me, and that's when I knew I was. He gave me a thumbs up. He knew how horrible I was at science. It probably shocked a lot of people. It definitely surprised Mrs.Bates. With her eyes wide, she gave me an odd stare. Boy, if looks could kill.

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