Chapter 36

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     The next day not much happened during school except for being pulled out of history class by the principal. On our way to his office, I found myself hoping to God that I wouldn't walk in, to see Ethan sitting there, as Mr.Wilson began addressing another 'rumor' about the two of us. But, instead, he had more good news for me.

"Claire, I've always known you were a bright young lady." He smiled, "so I wanted to personally tell you that you have received a perfect score on your SATs."

My eyes widened, "Really?!"

He nodded, "Yes, and I have a favor to ask of you."


"I want you and Douge Palvin to present an award at the ceremony next week." He gave me a warm expression.

"What award, and to who?" I asked.

"I want you to present the teachers of the award to Mr.Dolan. If it weren't for him and his tutoring sensations with many students, your senior class would have been down in the dumps getting back their SAT scores."

I couldn't help but smirk. I was incredibly proud of the work that Ethan has done. And not to mention, there was so much irony in the situation that Mr.Wilson was laying out before me. Obviously, I had to agree to do it. Not only for the suspicion roaming through the faculty if I were to say no, but also because I wanted to be a part of a huge moment in Ethan's life.

"I'd be glad to. He's helped me so much this year, with school and personal issues, such as the accident. It'd be a great way to repay him." I smiled, sweetly.

"Thank you very much, Claire. But make sure you don't speak a word of this to him. I want it to be a big surprise for him"

"My lips are sealed." I grinned.

I liked the challenge of keeping this a secret from him because I know at the awards ceremony, he's going to be the happiest guy when he hears his name get called. After all of this confusion about our relationship and not wanting to lose his job, the year is ending in the most perfect way. He's getting teacher of the year, and God knows he deserves it. Carly told me he started tutoring her, she understood everything so much better. I know that the only reason being chosen to present this award to him is because the faculty thinks that I've been going to after-school tutoring with him all year. I'd be lying if I said I never asked Ethan for help with my homework, and got a few helpful tips from him, but for the most part, my grade came from my own brain, which is a great accomplishment for me.

I walked out of the principal's office and out into the hallway. Unfortunately for me though, Ethan was coming down the hallway as well."

"Hey, are you coming out of the principal's office?" He asked.

I began to panic inside, "uh...yeah." I trailed off.

"What happened? Are you okay?" He worried.

I laughed. "Yes, I'm fine. He called me out of class to tell me that I got a perfect score on my SATs."

"Really? That's awesome!" He smiled.

"Yeah, I guess I have you to thank for that," I smirked.

"I suppose so. Since you have been getting tutored by me all year." He played along.

"Exactly." I smiled.

"No." He started with a laugh. "That was all you. I had nothing to do with that! Congratulations Ba-" then he stopped himself.

"Thanks," I said excitedly, but still noticed his almost-impulse. "Still school grounds." I giggled, then went to whisper, "baby."

His smirk was huge, and I noticed now than ever the impact I had on him. It was mostly so interesting because there was no one else in the hallway, and he still put his guard up, which I'm sure is a good habit to be in. As for me, I have to filter. So what did I do? I toyed with his guard.

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