Chapter 16

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~A few days Later~

I woke up on a bright Sunday morning. It was November twenty-fifth, also known as my birthday. I walked downstairs rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. As I stepped on the cold tile floor, My mom smirked at me.

"Happy birthday, honey!" she hugged me tightly. "You're finally eighteen! How do you feel?" She asked me,

I shrugged with a small smile, "It doesn't feel any different." I said honestly.

She nodded in understanding. "Yeah, it didn't to me either." She laughed.

Then out of a sudden, DD jumped on me causing me to screech and fall to the floor. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY SMASH!" He yelled. I started to laugh uncontrollably. DD rolled off of me and onto the floor as he laughed as well.

Mom shook her head at us with a smirk. "You two be careful!" She said as she walked out of the living room.

"So. . ." DD began as he stood up and helped me to my feet. "I want to take you out tonight.... With Ethan and Madison." He said with a grin plastered on his tan skin.

I looked at him confused, "But, DD. He still doesn't know that you know about us." I told him with a worried look.

"Well, just tell him that I had figured it out, because I think it will be nice for the four of us, who know about you two, to go out. Besides, wouldn't you like to be around the three people who mean the most to you on your birthday Smash." He smiled.

A smile seeped through my lips, and I nodded. "The would be really great." I told him.

He nodded. "Alright, so go and talk to Ethan and then let him know what's going on."

I smiled as he walked away and back up the stairs. I decided to go back upstairs and call Ethan. I looked at my phone there was already a text from him, as well as a missed call.

Ethan: 'Hey baby, Happy Birthday! Today's the perfect day to tell you how lucky I am to have you in my life. You mean the world to me. I love you, Beautiful! I want to see you sometime today..xx'

I grinned foolishly from ear to ear. He was so sweet. I laid back on my bed and dialed his number. He picked up almost instantly.

"Happy birthday!" He spoke excitedly into the phone.

I smirked, "Thank you!" I said sweetly and innocently. "Your text was so cute! I love you!" I continued.

He laughed. "I Love You too.. I'm glad you liked it."

"So. . . I have something I gotta tell you." the tone in my voice changing automatically.

"Uh oh, What happened?" He asked concerned.

"Well, Daniel knows about us. He found out somehow." I said, waiting for the bombs to go off. "It was probably that hickey on my neck. I obviously suck at hiding it." I laughed.

"I knew he'd find out eventually. He seemed too smart to fall for our tricks." He laughed a little.

"So you're not mad?" I asked him.

"No, of course not. He's your brother." I smiled at his acceptance.

"Wellllll. There's something else..." I said exaggeration on the 'L' in Well.

"Which is?" He asked, seemingly amused.

"DD wants to bring me to dinner tonight, and he want to bring you and Madison, because I told him that Madison and your friend Grayson were the only two that knew other than him."

"That sounds like fun." He said, I even heard the smile in his voice. He wasn't awkward about any of it? Maybe it was because it was my birthday? I don't know, but he was bring more accepting than usual.

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