Chapter 35

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    Monday morning, I was excited that I didn't have to ride around in the wheelchair and I was able to walk. I gave Ethan the weekend to himself because he was working on his share of grading the SATs, along with the rest of the school board. We all took our SATs back before Valentine's Day and Ethan was a bit behind.

I got dressed into some Chachi Momma Grey sweatpants, which are loose towards the thighs and tighter around the ankles and also have zippers. I refused to wear anything that revealed my legs just because of the bruising. Along with that, I wore a black off-the-shoulder shirt with a large great peace sign on the front. I braided a strand of my hair ontop of my head and then continued to put the rest of my hair into a short ponytail. I didn't wear much make-up and didn't put in any other jewelry than the necklace and bracelet that Ethan had bought me.

I insisted on driving my own car to school, just to give my dad the time he needed for work. I was feeling fine, and I didn't need him treating me Like a puppy and bring me to school if I no longer needed him. I pulled into the parking lot and instantly got shocked looks from everyone around me. No one was expecting me to have recovered so soon. I think some may have thought that I was paralyzed and would never be able to walk again. Thank God that didn't happen. I grabbed my bag from the backseat and locked my car up before heading towards the courtyard.

"You're out of that chair!" Madison cheered as I approached the table.

"Yeah, it's about time." I joked.

"I thought it'd be longer than that." Colton chimed in.

I nodded, "Me too, but I forced myself to get walking around the house and outside over the weekend, and my legs are feeling a lot better than before."

"Awesome." He smiled.

I looked over just in time to see Ethan walking through. He smirked at me, obviously knowing that I worked my butt off-all weekend. I haven't gotten to see him too much, and I missed him. 

Sometime soon, I thought it would be nice for me to have a little get together at my place. I have an enormous furnished basement that has a large movie screen. It's mostly used for large gatherings that my brother and I use to have a while back, and I started to think that maybe it's time to start those up again. It'll give me something to take my mind off of all the recent chaos.

Eventually, Jamie walked up and sat down at-the table. He stared long and hard at me, only because I was out of my chair. If you're wondering what happened between Antonio and him after they got sent to the principles office, just know it wasn't much of a big deal. Mr. Wilson just simply gave Jamie a warning, because he knew that things were going to get a little hostel after the accident, and he didn't deserve to get suspended just weeks before graduation. Besides, those sort of things goes on your percentage Record and if Jamie planned of going to Berkeley, then he needed to keep a squeaky clean image.

"What happened to your piece of metal?" He laughed.

"I threw it away." I joked.

"Good, metal's not a very good look for you." He nodded, pretending to sound sophisticated.

I shook my head, "I thought the same thing."

Madison giggled, "I'm so glad to have the happy Claire back."

I nodded, "Me too."


During lunch, I grew tired from walking so much. The doctor said that this would happen, but I refuse to give up so easily. I sat at the table listening to multiple conversations going-on before I felt my phone vibrate in my bra. Yes, I keep my phone in my bra, when I don't have pockets. I took my phone out and saw that I had a new voicemail. I opened up my voicemail and decided to give it a listen.

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