Chapter 33

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A few weeks Later


  Twas the night of Prom. I had been invited by Antonio, from my history class. I was wearing purple diamond accents. My hair was up in a curly, but very short bun. As usual, Ethan offered to chaperone, and he was bringing Peyton as his 'date' because Louis was out of town, and she offered. I thought it might be a little awkward considering it was my high school prom, and I would want to hug her when I saw her, but I could barely look in their direction without another rumor surfacing. After driving around and getting my hair and nails done, I was finally getting my dress ready at home with a bunch of girls. My house had been chosen to take all of the pictures at because of my mom's garden in the backyard. Daniel had flown down for the weekend, just so he could be here, which I was extremely grateful for. I needed him, but I had to talk him in a way that wouldn't give away the secret, and that's going to be harder than anything. Madison, Carly, Megan and Becca were all there will me as well. Madison and Carly bombarded me with questions about Ethan in our alone time. They wanted to know how he felt about the situation with Antonio. Fortunately for me, I had been doing a good job at hiding my bymn for everyone. I mad sute I was completely alone while changing so that I could keep it that way. I am now fourteen weeks along in my pregnancy, and from what the doctor's say, out baby is strong and healthy which is a relieving to hear.

E went along with Gary and I to the last appointment which was only a couple of days ago. The doctor's were please that they got to ask the father a few questions. They talked to him about things like family history and telling him how he could help me with the process. Once it got to the ultrasound, they spread the cool gel all across my stomach. Ethan was holding my hand the entire time. He was a bit nervous. I could tell. Once the situation the took on my stomach and started searching for a good enough picture of the baby in my stomach, Ethan's eyes started to water in process.

"There it is!" The technical hyped out as she moved the tool around.

Ethan instantly looked up and stared at it. I smiled at the image, and then glanced over at Ethan whose eyes were still glued to the screen. I brushed my hand across his cheek and giggled.

"That's my baby." He said pointing at it and then covering his mouth as he smiled. Gary patted his back, remembering my same expression the first time I had an ultrasound done to me.

Ever since then, Ethan's been extra careful about what he does with me. which I think is kind of cute. He's taking care of me like I'm a little kid again. I appreciate it, but sometimes I have to remind him of when he is just overreacting. I have to admit though I love that he cares so much. It makes me feel secure and protected.

I snapped out of my gaze once Madison yelled to me that the boys had finally shown up for pictures and then to take up to prom. I took one last look at myself in the mirror. I was happy that my dress didn't show my bump. I had a light blue dress already bought and stored in my closet, but because of the weight I have gained from having the baby, I no longer fit in it. I made the excuse that I no longer wanted it, and gave it to Violet to wear it to prom since she was asked by Jeremy to go with her. So I went with Gary to pick out a different one in my size. I was extremely lucky to have him to help me throughout this whole thing.

Eventually, I found my way out of my bedroom, and walking toward the stairs. Everyone was at the bottom of the stairs, chatting. Then, once one person's eyes set on me, so was everyone else's. I felt a little self-conscious with everyone staring at me, like I've Usually felt since this whole baby thing started. I feel like if anyone who stares too long or too hard, it's a dead giveaway for them to find out. Antonio smiled at me, and oddly enough he gave me a stare that felt like he thought we were more than what we actually were. Or maybe we might be by the end of the night, but he's wrong. There's no way in hell that we were getting together. I didn't mean to sound so mean and heartless, he was a really cute and attractive guy, but obviously is not the guy for me.

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