Chapter 27

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Although, I couldn't take my mind off of every word he put out in the open, and it would possibly help a lit if I had someone to talk to about it. I just didn't know how to feel. It's everything I needed to hear from him but in the wrong circumstances. I didn't want it to be when we were arguing in his classroom. I wanted it to be while we're lying in his bed, his fingers tracing circles on my back in the dark, and while we completely comfortable with each other again.

I finally texted Brody back and told him about how Madison changed the plans up, and wanted to just go to dinner instead of some party she originally planned on going but he was more than welcome to still come. She only changed everything because I finally decided to tell her about what happened with Ethan, and she wanted to take it easy on me. She actually told me that I didn't even have to invite Brody anymore, but once I got the text that said that he thought it sounded fun, I couldn't just blow him off.

He decided he still wanted to come, so I gave him the restaurant name and directions, and told him we'd meet him there around six thirty. I got dressed, wearing a black bodice dress with my leather jacket over it and black pumps. I kept my hair straight, and I did up my makeup a little more than I usually would. I made a habit of wearing Ethan's necklace wherever I went, and to be honest, I didn't mind wearing it. It reminded me of a time when things were 'normal'. I mentioned to my mom what was going on, and she gave me the okay because she was going to her own dinner with her assistant and then to her shop to work on a few things. She warned me that she would call before she left to check up on things. Jamie wasn't coming because a girl invited him to her party, and he had an interest in her, so he was going to go for it.

I walked out to my car and sat there for a few moments or so. I wandered hopelessly what Ethan could be doing. It was Valentine's day and neither of us was happy. Eventually, I started it up and drove to the restaurant. I met Madison in the parking lot, but no Brody yet.

"You look really good." Madi complimented me, looking as if she were holding back a little.

"Thank you, so do you," I said staring at her tight purple dress. Colton decided he was going to go inside to make sure the reservations were good to go while we waiting for Brody.

"How are you feeling?" Madison asked once Colton was no longer in sight.

"Now as great as I want to feel, but I'll get over it." I kept honestly.

"I'm so sorry. You must not be ready for Brody yet."

"It's okay, I can handle Brody. I just might be a little quiet and distracted. I promise to try though, okay?" I smiled slightly.


Finally, a small black car pulled into the parking lot. Brody got out of the driver's seat and smiled at us both as he walked over. I tensed up a bit, feeling completely horrible for being there at all. He was dressed up with a dark red button up shirt under a black overcoat and black pants. He looked really good.

"Evening, girls." He smiled as he approached us, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Hi," I said shyly as I accepted the small gesture. Madison almost immediately told us she was going inside to see what was taking so long, leaving us alone which I knew she would do.

"So, is everything alright?" He asked trying to sneak a peek at my eyes.

I nodded, "Yeah everything's okay. How are you?" I asked, trying to keep chipper for the most part.

"I'm doing good. I'm glad to see you again." He smiled.

"It's good to see you too. Should we go inside?" I asked pointing to the door.

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