Chapter 15

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Ambers P.O.V

The fight has begun and I have had my sleeves up and covering my eyes for the majority of the time, Punches and kicks are flying and blood is splattering everywhere you can think of.

Both of them are circling each other and giving each other menacing looks, Isaac has a slight limp from when the beast shoved him up against the fence earlier, he has a black eye and a cut lip, you can see the blood flowing from the cut and trickling into his mouth and when he gets punched in the face, he spurts that blood out and coats the metal fence with it.

I don't think anything in life could've prepared me for this.

The beast has cuts and scratches on his skin with a very sweaty forehead and his arm is slightly shaking, they are fighting like starved animals trying to get the cornucopia of food.

I take my hands away from my eyes and try and look at the carnage, the crowd is going mental, cheering and stomping their feet in anticipation and excitement, I want to join in and cheer with them but I can't bring myself to do it, not when my brother is currently covered in his own blood.

"AARrrrgghh!" I hear the painful man scream of Isaac echoing around the arena, I look to see the damage and notice the beast is bending his arm backwards, twisting it in an unnatural way. I scream and continue to sob in my sleeves and drench my hoodie with tears, please Isaac...come out and stop!

The beast let's go and Isaac drops to the floor lifeless, I stand up in my chair and let out a whimper of pure sadness and regret, regret for not talking him out of it better, regret for not earning money so he doesn't need to fight for it but most of all I regret not telling our family about this, our parents deserve to know that their son is risking his life and getting the shit beaten out of him for a few thousand dollars, it's the sad truth that they need to know, and I plan on doing that when we get the hell out of here!

I decide I can't take any more of this and stand up and walk down the steps, I make it on the ground level and looked around in place for any signs for the exit, but the beasts loud growl and Isaac's whimpering made me stuck in place and staring at the horror that lies in the ring.

The beast roared and grabbed Isaac's ankles and starts to swing his whole-body round and round in circles, I wish I was making this up, it reminded me of that scene in Matilda when Miss Trunchbull grabbed that little girl by her pigtails and swing her round and round in circles, that Is pretty much what is happening to Isaac right now except he's being swung by his ankles.

The scene was too traumatizing to watch but I couldn't look away for a second, it was as though my eyes needed to see this. I could see the blood flying off his body as he was being swung and the beast was focused purely on making my brother suffer as much as he could.

But the unexpected happened...The Beast let go.

It happened in slow motion, I could see the crowds horrified faces and gasps echo in my ears, Isaac's body flew from The Beasts grasp and flew towards the barbed wire on top of the fence, I sucked in a breath as his body just made it over the barbed wire without harm...but a new danger was coming, Isaac's body was flying towards me.

Shit shit shit WHAT THE HECK DO I DO?! Move away and he breaks every bone in his body from the impact on the concrete floor or let him land onto me so we both take the impact together and we share the pain and Isaac gains less injury's, sounds so poetic.

Well...I didn't have time to think of what to do because it was too late, I didn't have time to think because before I know it, Isaac's back collides with my still broken and supposed to be healing ribs and I fly off my feet and land on the ground in a thump.

I didn't think it was possible to hear your own ribs crack?

The darkness was soon approaching and most of the feeling in my body was numb, all I could do was listen to the commotion around us, I heard cheering and stomping of boots vibrate the ground and the screams of laughter and happiness echoed around me and a sickening feeling arose in my broken body.

The Beast had won...

I can feel the smiles and cheers coming from the audience and the beast from down here, I could sense the smug look upon his face when he looks over to see his opponent tackle his once hospitalized baby sister to the ground and laid in a heap on the floor.

I heard some groaning that may have come from me? or Isaac? I don't know but it was one of us I'm sure of it. I felt someone place their hands under my armpits and drag my numb body away, I didn't know what the heck was going on and I felt like my body was lifeless and cold but my mind was wide awake and scared for me and my brother's safety.

The whole point of me being here and watching the stupid fight was to be the one to call the hospital if anything happened to Isaac, quite ironic that he was the one to hurt me and possibly make my already broken body even worse than it already was.

I don't want to think about how my family are going to react when they see us, well if they ever do... I still have no idea what's happening to my moving body.

My body violently shivered and the cool breeze of spring air hit my skin and made it shiver violently, my body was still being what felt like dragged and pulled with a firm grip under my arms and probably leaving purple bruises in their hand's place.

I felt my head flop and crash against the ground again only this time, the ground felt different to last time, it was slightly damp and tickled my ears.

I felt my senses come back a bit and I could hear more of my surroundings, I could hear a distant conversation and some sort of hurried talking.

"Yes please....well I can't....I I don't know the street name....please come quick!" whoever was talking sounded worried and on edge, now that I mention it where the heck is Isaac, I know I haven't opened my eyes yet and I'm currently trying to solve this mystery in my mind, but I haven't felt him beside me or heard his voice for a while so I'm praying he's okay, please be okay...


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