Ch17 - Are you some kind of a futurist?

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What The Hell?!

Chapter 17

~Are you some kind of a futurist?~

Bella's POV

"I'm sorry to intrude, but I want to introduce new people," Rose said.

"You're not intruding, Rose," Edward said, as if they're the closest friend ever.

"So, your the infamous Bella Swan," the little dark haired girl with spiky hair chirped.

I was taken aback when she pulled me into a bone crushing hug. This girl was like a midget yet hugged me as though she was the strongest person in the damn planet.

"Uh, may I know who are you?" I asked, gasping for air.

You just knocked out my air supply, girl.

"I'm Alice Brandon, Emmett's cousin and he's Jasper Whitlock, my boyfriend."

"Nice to meet you, Alice, Jasper."

"The same goes for you, Bella," Jasper said with a southern accent.

"I'm pretty sure you're Cullen?" Alice asked, pointing her finger at Edward.

"I am," he answered.

"I can tell that the both of you are fucking perfect for each other," Alice said while Emmett, Jasper and Rose snickered.

"Are you some kind of a futurist?" I asked sardonically, like the bitch that I was.

Fucking perfect for each other?! Puh-lease!

"It's the truth," she smirked then tugged at Jasper's hand, breezing past us.

"I'm telling you right now, my cousin is fucking creepy because her words are nothing but the truth." Emmett said, linking his hands with Rose before leaving us.

His and Alice's words were getting in my nerves, and it was dawdling in my head. I mean, they couldn't be true, right? No one could tell what would happen in my future because I was the one handling it.

Fucking shit! This is fucking unbelievable!

"Well, fuck," I heard Edward murmur.

Before I could look up and ask what was his fucking problem, I was pinned against the wall. My body slammed against it - hard - making me wince in pain.

"What the?!" I hissed.

"Shh. Just go with what I'm doing," he whispered, his minty scent crowding my senses.

His face was close - oh so close - to me, and I found myself panting, like I came from a marathon. Those piercing green eyes were looking intently to my brown ones, making me melt.

Edward's grip was tight on both sides of my hips, and I was sure that my face was mixed with astonishment, anger and confusion. I couldn't read his face, but his stare was setting me into fire.

A/N: Gaaaaaahhh!! Don't hate me with the cliffie yet!! OMFG! What do you suppose are they about to do?! I want to hear what your mind is screaming all about! Anyways, from the previous comments, @MissPuppy and @RhianePattinson got the correct guess! Check out MissPuppy's story, they're awesome! And for those who reviewed the last chappie, thanks! :)

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See yah!


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