Ch34 - Que: Awkward.

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What The Hell?!

Chapter 34

~Que: Awkward.~

Bella's POV

I sat inside my car, my arms on the steering wheel with my chin resting on it. I pondered for a while how days and weeks passed after that hell of a revelations coming from them. It was overwhelming, but I coped just fine.

Duh, it's Bella Swan.

In true Bella and Edward style, we were still shitty to each other, though I couldn't deny that I felt something for him. He's Edward Cullen after all, don't you agree? I sighed internally and waited for Rose to fetch me.

It's a Saturday, and unfortunately, my birthday. I hated birthdays, but I definitely love parties. I mean, Rose and I partied like crazy since then, but we were good girls. We're always out of fucking trouble.

The bar was fucking packed, and the people were in their frenzy state. I was never the one who would drink too much, but I think I could change it just for this night. It's my fucking birthday, anyway.

"Hello, birthday girl!" Rose said through my open window.

I smirked, shaking my head slightly before exiting my car. "Thanks to you," I muttered.

"Come on! The gang is waiting!" She playfully tugged on my wrist, and we entered the bar.

Since the day of the revelation, we promised that there'd be no more secrets. But fuck it because I kept one. I would tell ya later, 'kay? I needed to party with the gang first. This gang were consisted of Em, Rose, Jasper, Alice, Edward and I.

"HEYA! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!" they chorused altogether, and I laughed, mumbling a "thanks" to them.

"You're officially twenty-two, Bella, so we can finally get drunk!"

We drank our shots, and we listened to each other as they gave their hilarious wishes for me. After that we were finally on with the dancing in front of the spotlight. It was Rose, Alice and I at first, but the boys joined sooner, grinding and dancing with us.

Hours of good time were done, and I was a bit dizzy and spent. I bid goodbye to them, except for Edward because he was going to bring me home. Ya know, the usual and typical type of boyfriend.

~oOo~ Later ~oOo~

"I really enjoyed today," I mumbled as we stood on the front porch of my house

He smiled. "I do, too."

Que: Awkward.

What should I do? Kiss him as a thank you and a good night? Because I had seen too many movies doing that typical shit. We're nothing but typical. I was too caught up with my internal battle that I didn't remember being lulled in contact with his lips.

It was slow and sensual... and romantic? I didn't know. I didn't have any idea about romantic shenanigans. It wasn't me after all. But this kiss was different. It felt like a thousand more meaning poured into it. I really didn't know, but my stomach was in knots.

"What a birthday gift you have," I remarked slyly.

His mouth twitched, pulling the corners into a beautiful Edward signature smile. "I know you hate gifts and birthdays, so I had to stick with it."

I chuckled, rolling my eyes. "Way to put it!"

He smirked. "Happy Birthday."

I smiled again. "Thank you!"

A/N: This is my only update this week and next week because it's gonna be my exam. I need to study and stuff like that. Just a note to everyone, the time frame of the story will move very fast, and the next update would take place on a December already. I'm going to stick with the important details of their life only, so please be guided accordingly. Nothing much from this chapter, but I hope you like it anyway. Thanks for the reviews! ^_^

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See yah!


What The Hell?! (TwilightFanFic) Wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now