Ch43 - Yes!

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What The Hell?!

Chapter 43


Bella's POV

"Edward!" I whined. "You need to tell me where we are going!"

"[I'm sorry, babe, it's a secret,]" he replied slyly.

"What if we're going hiking, and I'm wearing a dress? What if we're going to a date, and I'm-"

"[Stop panicking, Bella. Whatever you wear, you're gorgeous.]"

"Don't trick me, Edward Cullen!"

"[Shit,]" I heard him curse softly.

Full names just made him nervous.

"Please," I said, a little breathy - you know, for effect.

"[Bella,]" he whined. "[You're making me lose my resolve.]"

"That's what I'm planning."

"[No, babe, just no. I don't care what you wear. I'll see you later.]" And just that, he hung up on me.


What to wear now?


I was tired waiting for him. He's ten minutes late already, and the waiter recently served the fortune cookies. I didn't rummage my closet like a madwoman, instead I picked out my black pantyhose, denim shorts and a hanging shirt.

He didn't give me instruction on what to wear, then he had to go with it. It's his fault after all. Damn it, did this man had to be so fucking late at all?! My butt had been sitting here in a while already. Maybe he's planning for a grand entrance.

It's so fucking boring here. Sure, the restaurant was exquisite, but he was fucking late. I needed him, not the date shenanigans. I stared at the fortune cookie, suddenly curious as to what was written.

I cracked the cookie in half, and imagine my surprise when something silver was tinkling on the table. A fucking diamond ring. Holy shit! I read the paper with a quote about marriage.

Who said that this restaurant was full of shit? But the ring - fuck, the ring - it was motherfucking taunting me. It had to be expensive as hell. Was the owner insane for putting some diamond ring or what?

Since the restaurant was only exclusive for Edward and I, which I didn't even know why, I went to the cashier, hoping to give the ring back. Well, dammit. I wanted to wear it, but I could buy myself the same.

"Miss, it seemed that you put the ring on one of our fortune cookies, so I'm here to bring it back." I smiled at her, and she was having this constipated-like look. I was wondering why?


"No, it's really okay to make mistake."

Gah, since when did I become so kind and understanding? The cashier girl was so tongue tide and was still looking at me. She kept on opening and closing her mouth, as if trying to say something but didn't know how to begin.

Imagine my surprise, yet again, when people were lined up in front of me, each one of the shirt they're wearing contained letters. It said, "Marry Me?" And Edward stood beside the man with a question mark, holding three red roses.

That explained his lateness, the fortune cookie with a marriage quote and a diamond ring, and the tongue tide cashier. I was speechless to no end. Marry Me? Marry Me? Marry Me? Marry Me?

Marry Me?

I was a jumble of mess, and I couldn't seem to function properly. I ran to Edward, slamming body against his, hugging him for dear life. God, I was so stupid, thinking that the ring was done by mistake.

Since when did I become so wise?


"I thought... I thought the ring... God, I'm so fucking stupid," I muttered incoherently near Edward's ear, and he chuckled. "And you didn't tell me you're going to propose! I should've worn a dress!"

"I told you it's a surprise, and you're beautiful with whatever you wear, Bella."

I felt him move a little before murmuring, "So, will you marry me, Isabella Marie Swan?"

So, how could you resist answering a yes to him?

"Yes!" I squealed happily, pulling him for a sweet kiss.

"You just made me the happiest man ever," he said against my lips before breaking into that Edward Cullen signature smile that I loved.

"I love you, Jerkward," I said, pecking his lips one more time.

"I love you, Feistyella," he said and did the same.


A/N: There you have the Epilogue. I know it's named Ch43, but because drabbles doesn't have an Epilogue, I just named it that way, although its supposedly an Epilogue. I know it has been a long ride, and it's sad that this story just ended. I'm so freaking happy with everything you have done for me; for the patience, never ending support, votes and comments - THANK YOU! I love you, guys, and I hope you're going to be with me again as I start my new story. For the enchanted reviews last chapter, another thank you, my lovelies! <3 :D

ALERT: My new story is entitled "Same Mistakes." I'm still not sure if I should post the Prologue today, so help me please by voicing out your opinions down the comment box. I'm just so nervous to post another story. Should I post it now? Comment your thoughts! xx

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