Ch41 - I love you, too, you know.

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What The Hell?!

Chapter 41

~I love you, too, you know.~

Bella's POV

After graduation and my greatest realization in life, I made the biggest choice of my life, and it hurt to do it. But I guess everyone really have to find one's self.

I walked down the stairs, seeing both of my parents from afar. They were standing beside the car and my luggage. I continued walking, calming myself.

"I'm going to miss you, honey," Mom said, pulling me into a tight hug.

"I'll miss you too, mom. Love you," I said, and I hated myself for making my mother sad.

She released me, and I turned to face my awaiting father. "I'll miss you, dad."

"Bella, promise me you're going to take care of yourself," he said, his voice cracking at the end.

Shit. Don't cry.

"I promise. I will call everyday. I love you."

Instead of answering, my father hugged me, and I smiled against his shirt, loving this side of him. He wasn't the typical father. But I loved him for who he was, the same way with my mother.

"Don't want you to be late for your flight," he mumbled, and I stepped out of his warm embrace.

I got inside the car, then the driver swooped out of the driveway, and all I could see was my parents on the front porch of our house waving goodbye to me. I did, too, even though they wouldn't see me.

I refused to break down. I focused my gaze outside, watching the busy street of New York. I would miss them. I would miss him. I wasn't running away from the truth. I was trying to search for something.

Paris. The place where I would be for a month. The ironic part was that Paris is the City of Love, and I wasn't a big fan of love. But after realizing that I was in love with him, I finally understood what's love.

Call me a coward for leaving, but I wasn't. I wanted to go somewhere and escape reality for a while to figure out the truth of my love for him, set my head straight, and answer the questions of my heart and mind.

My parents and I were the only ones who knew my departure. I didn't bother telling any of the gang, for fear that they would do everything and make me stay.

"Ms. Swan, we're already here." The driver got my luggage out, and I placed my shades back before exiting the car.

This is it. This is really it.

When I entered the airport, finishing all the shenanigans needed, I was feeling funny. As I continued walking, a beautiful and cute little girl gave me three blooming roses.

"Thank you," I said and smiled hesitantly.

Then out of nowhere, a teenage boy approached me, handing a big teddy bear. I stared at him for a while and got it from him.

"You're very lucky, sugar," he drawled with an accent and winked at me cheekily.

Well, shit.

What was all of that?!

Just when I thought nothing was odder than this, Little Things began playing around the place, and the staffs of the airport were singing while looking at me. The people were turning around, curiousness plastered on their faces.

Crap. Is this a prank or something?

"This is really odd," I murmured to myself.

Then I fucking saw him. In front of me. Just a few feet away. Crap.

"Bella," he said, taking steps in front of me. "I know we were never the typical couple. We fight a lot, but it's us. We are different because it's us. Do you get my point? I know it's there." He placed his palm flat on my fast beating heart.

"From the beginning, I know you're it for me. I don't want to stop you from going, but I want you to know this first. I love you, Bella. I know you feel the same. I'll always be here waiting for you until you finally figure it out deep inside your heart."

My heart was pounding and hammering so loud, and I froze in place. It's... it's... why... how did he... I mean... shit... fuck...

I wanted to burst in tears. To hear him confess those magical words... it's making me lose my resolve and kiss the ever living shit out of him. Because damn it, if I didn't love this man.

"I love you, too, you know."

A/N: Because I'm returning to being faithful to my updating schedule, so here is it! Was the chapter so cheesy? Just normal? Boring? Please... I'm dying to hear and know what's going on inside my readers' minds! Leave me some love, okay? I really want everyone of you to review; I know that this chapter is phenomenal on my story because all of you are dying for Bella to drop the L-bomb. As always, thanks for the beautiful comments from the previous chapter! Just a reminder, we're nearing the end of Jerkward and Feistyella's journey. ;)

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See yah!


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