Ch31 - Mmm, morning...

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What The Hell?!

Chapter 31

~Mmm, morning...~

Bella's POV

Oh, how I wished I could stay in this silky bed. It felt so amazing. I knew that it was morning because the sunlight was blaring against the curtains. I clutched the blanket, noticing that something was off, but I was too sleepy to care.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty," someone murmured.

"Mmm, morning..." I mumbled sleepily.


Don't tell me that someone was talking inside my room. I opened my eyes, and saw him standing at the foot of the bed. How did he manage to enter my room... Oh, God! Memories of last night came rushing back to me.

Holy crap!

I wasn't in my room. I was lying inside his room. I fell asleep last night while admiring his comfy bed. Fuck! I couldn't think straight, let alone form a coherent sentence. Suddenly, I got pissed and angry.

I noticed that my shoes were not on my feet anymore which meant he had undone it. No fucking way. What else had he touched last night while I was unconcious? Ugh, now I turned paranoid.

I shoved the thick blanket away from my body, and thankfully my clothes were perfectly in place. I stood at his bed and went in front of him. I was towering above him because I was on top of the bed, and I wanted to kick him so badly.

"How dare you?!"


"Fuck! What have you done?!"

"Bella, lower your fucking voice! I didn't do anything. Jesus Christ! I'm not like that."

"Fuck you!"

"You don't have the right to be angry with me!"

"Of course I do!"

"You asked to sleep here, and I was the perfect gentleman."

"So what?! You didn't sleep beside me?"

That got him quiet, though. Fuck! So he really did sleep beside me?!

"I swear, I didn't touch you." He held his hands in surrender.

"I know you didn't."

"Then, what's with the bitchiness? Jesus, it's early in the fucking morning!"

I got super pissed at him because in true Bella style, I didn't know why I was pissed and angry at him. Maybe I was overreacting or because... I really didn't know. Instead of answering his question, I threw pillows at him.

"Fucking... hell!" he said while I threw all of them straight to his face.

He grabbed both of my wrists, and I stumbled back at the bed which brought him lying on top of me. I tried to rein the way my heart was beating when we were mere inches from each other but failed.

"Hey, Edward, I was-" a familiar booming voice said.



Oh crap! Did he just thought we were doing the deed?!

A/N: An advance update, my lovelies! I'm going to apologize that I won't be able to update weeks or days, I think, because of so many projects and upcoming exams. I need to study. Lol ^_^ Anyways, back to the story. Dun, dun, dun, dunnnnnn! Was it really Emmett? Bella was overreacting again, I know. She's born that way. And Edward was just the perfect gentleman. *sighs dreamily* What do you think will happen next? Drop it now! Thanks for the fantastic reviews last chap! <3

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See you soon! (when I'm free already)


What The Hell?! (TwilightFanFic) Wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now