Ch26 - Oh, okay... wait, WHAT?!

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What The Hell?!

Chapter 26

~Oh, okay... wait, WHAT?!~

Bella's POV

Primarily, the six of us were sent to the fucking office of the principal. Imagine our surprise... no, scratch that! We were beyond suprised when she barged near us and demanded what was happening.

Apparently, she heard such vulgar words that echoed through the whole library, and she saw Edward and I, as if we came from a damn heat factory, looking all flushed and shit like that.

So yeah, we now sat in front of her. She had us for almost an hour inside her office, lecturing us about how we should act in school, blah, blah, blah. We were physically present, though I doubt that our minds were listening.

After a good hour of talking, she gave us our fucking detention. See that, this man beside me got us our second detention. It had only been a month, and I could truly say, "My life is a living hell, thank you very much."

The four of them had to help inside the library to fix the books, do some recording, and shit. Yeah, I would say shit like every-fucking-time. What could I say, it's my favorite word now. I was addicted to shit.

I'm such a lunatic!

Edward was assigned to fetch the important documents from the shit hole which was the stock room, and I had to help the fucking principal in arranging it. Ugh! Fuck my entertaining life!

~oOo~ After the detention ~oOo~

"Bella," Principal Greene called. Fuck! What now?!

"Yeah?" I answered politely 'cause I didn't want another detention.

"Maybe you could give this to Edward?" she asked, handling me the small box.

"Uh, sure," I replied, taking it from her.

As I approached the stock room, I left my bag beside Edward's at the lobby hallway and proceeded inside the stock room. "Edward?"

"In here!" his voice echoed.

"Principal Greene asked me to deliver this to you," I said.

"Okay, just place it here," he said, his muscles were clenching as he lifted the other boxes and sweat trickled from his forehead down to his face.

There was a loud click, but I didn't bother because the shitty box I was holding was heavy on my hands. After placing it and clapping my hands to get rid of the dust, I saw Edward frozen on the ground.

"Are you okay?" I asked worriedly, for he was paler than ever.

In response, he just pointed mutely to the door.

"Huh?" was my very smart reply.

"We were locked," he answered robotically.

Oh, okay...

Wait, WHAT?!

A/N: KABOOOOOM!!! Didn't expect it, hmm?? Now, you wonder why I updated... well, because I'm so damn ecstatic and overwhelmed at the same time! We are a vote away from getting 1000, and I can't even express how happy I am. You have truly blown me away by your awesomeness! So I hope that you're satisfied with this chapter as my gift for all of you, although it's a bit of a cliffie. *smirks* And another good news, of course I'm going to update tomorrow because it's WEDNESDAY! Yay! I really love you guys! For those who continuously reviewed every chapter, thanks a ton! <3

Don't forget to VOTE & COMMENT

See yah!


What The Hell?! (TwilightFanFic) Wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now