Chapter 4: An adventure on Coruscant

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Planet Coruscant has a long history. Located on crossing of the most important trade routes, it quickly becamea the centeral world of the Galactic Republic. It had faced many hardships, even the infamous Sacking of Coruscant, when the Sith Empire suddenly attacked and unleashed all the power of its fleet on it. It was a massacre.

The entire surface of Coruscant was covered by sprawling kilometers-high ecumenopolis, and boasted a population of over a hundred billion to several trillion, depending on times. It was growing not only up to the sky, its highest skyscrapers were famous all across the galaxy, but also deep inside its surface, almost reaching its core.

Couruscant was also a home to the Jedi Order. Following the devastation of Ossus, their residence ever since Jedi left Tython, the Jedi Council took up residence in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, to which many Jedi relics from Ossus were taken. It grew and expanded, and became as it was now. The Temple stood on the surface level. It had four trapeze shaped walls, with five towers coming from it, by one at each corner and one in a middle. The last one was a place where the Council resided and currently was holding a meeting.

"It has been a week since the disturbance appeared and we still don't know what happened," Master Jedi Windu stated. Mace Windu was a bald brown skinned human with brown eyes. Like all the members of the Council he was sitting on a personal metal chair with red pieces of clothing.

"Indeed, it has," Master Yoda agreed. He was a small green being with long ears and a lot of big wrinkles he had earned in nine hundred years of his life. "But do nothing we can. Remaining unreachable, Unknown Regions are. The exact reason of disturbance we don't know, to our doom it may lead."

"The inaction won't get us anywhere. The disturbance of such power can only be the result of the dark side influence, we MUST investigate this," Mace insisted.

"The Force can guide us, the disturbance of such amount is simple to spot," one of the other masters said.

"The Force itself doesn't let any ships to go through. Hyperspace corridors are too twisted, it's too dangerous."

Suddenly all the Jedi had felt it again. The disturbance has grown much more powerful, a if it...became closer. No, not just closer.

"It is on Coruscant now!"

-A few minutes ago-

The rebels, though the name sounded exaggerating, had spent a week by making their hideout better. Being located inside the forest, they had some useful resources. Such as wood, water from the pond after they were out of it, Danny made the first try to check if it was safe for digestion. Even if he couldn't be poisoned, it still caused a great discomfort, he had learned about it when some rat poison made its way in his soda, don't ask how THAT happened. It simply was an unprecedented case of human stupidity and negligence. This water thankfully was safe.

All in all, there were about twenty people, including Phantom himself. Not much against the country which came out in space, but small enough to hide right under the government noses without even leaving the planet. Once they grow bigger, the Rebellion will need to expand their territory as well.

"Am I interrupting something important?"

Danny stopped his meditation, looked behind and saw Haseas in the 'doorway'. It was simply a small curtain leading to his 'headquarters'. They actually were filled with his personal things, like books. He even made a small improvised home for his new pet hawk. Danny has yet to name her, he wants the name to be special, fitting for a last of her kind. And Haseas has kinda become his second in command over the last week. Of all the slaves he was the most loyal to him.

"Well, nothing much. I'm doing it everyday as of late," Danny said, standing up.

"Is this something about your race religion or what?"

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