Chapter 11: Gaining an apprentice

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Danny walked through the corridors of the Foundry, reading the files about what the station had to offer.

The first one was about what shipyard could produce. The first ship twice smaller than Phantom's. It was the dreadnought of the Harrower-class. This was the largest and best-armed ship currently in production by the Foundry.

The 'point' of the Harrower-class's wedge was split down the middle for a quarter to a third of the length of the ship, forming two prongs. Between those two prongs was one of the Harrower-class's hangar bays, with two hangar openings stacked on top of each other and protected by force fields. Two additional hangars were located on either side of the ship, between the ends of the forward prongs and two smaller "wings" that protruded from each side closer to the rear of the ship. A final hangar was located on the underbelly of the dreadnought.

Harrower-class dreadnoughts sported heavily-reinforced hull plating and four shield generators, and the ship featured turbolaser batteries, quad laser cannons, ion cannons, proton torpedos, and concussion missile launchers as its armaments. Most Harrower-class dreadnoughts had three primary thrusters surrounded by four smaller ones located at the rear of the ship.

Two of the ship's shield generators were located on the upper hull of each of those wings, and an early model of the Harrower-class that saw use during the first years of the Great Galactic War between the Empire and the Galactic Republic had a set of four turrets on both the top and bottom sides of both wings. On the later model that saw wider use, those turrets were moved forward to form two rows of four turrets on both the top and bottom of the ship, just above the forward hangar bay. A smaller wedge was located on both the top and bottom of the dreadnought towards the rear, and the vessel's command tower was positioned at the rear of the vessel atop that wedge: wing-like protrusions extended out from atop the upper wedge, and the rectangular command tower was built atop the junction of the 'wings.'

The Terminus-class was similar in appearance to the smaller Gage-class transport, but wielded far more firepower. Despite the similar features found onboard the two ships, the Terminus destroyer was built as a dedicated warship used for a number of tasks such as escort missions, search and destroy or transporting important Imperial figures. This ship class boasted an impressive array of weaponry making it a match for the Galactic Republic's Thranta-class corvettes that were used as the workhorse for the Republic Navy. These ships were also used for securing recently captured territories in order to not tie up Harrower-class dreadnoughts.

As was previously said, the Gage-class resembled the larger Terminus-class destroyer, but wielded fewer turbolaser batteries. The transport instead had more space for cargo and room for barracks in which to carry troops. Its bridge deck was also noted for its wide and spacious design. The transport sported the heavy armor of the Terminus-class to help protect its cargo. The armor was strong enough for the transport to viably engage in last-ditch ramming maneuvers.

Danny smiled at what he read. Those ships were perfect, he could see how the Empire almost defeated the Republic. If not for a few Jedi, who saved the day as always, the Emperor would have ruled the galaxy. If Phantom gets them, then he would win the civil war he had started. HK already started building the fleet and the droids to drive them. It will take a month to build enough.

Another question arose, however, how was he supposed to transport the entire armada through the hyperspace unnoticed? It was already hard to avoid the scanners with his dreadnought.

In his thoughts, discoveries and contemplations Phantom hadn't noticed an obstacle on his way. He suddenly stumbled upon something and fell forward with a yelp of surprise. But then Danny stopped in midair and landed on his feet. He looked back and the only thing he saw was one snarky droid.

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