Chapter 55: The shadow world

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Danny put a hand on his chin, his expression was that of a deep thought. Near him stood his two most trusted commanders, who awaited his decision. Thrawn's hologram calmly dusted his pearly white uniform, while Haseas tapped on the edge of holographic table impatiently, looking at the strange cube-like copy of the map. The place they were in made Phantom's stomach twist. He hated completely white rooms. Danny simply tried to ignore it. They weren't alone, however.

There were two people as well. They had extremely pale, slightly bluish skin, completely colorless eyes. Their clothes were extravagant, although light, grey and black. However, the second one wore more humble robes, if they could be called that.

Danny sighed and crossed his hands. "The situation seems to be not as bad as it looked at first. I don't understand your worries."

"General, we certainly wouldn't have called you here if your help wasn't required," one of the aliens said.

"Consul Deechi, your race has techs the Republic can't even dream to make. The Grand Army of the Republic won't be able to stand against them."

"Our soldiers are of lower caste, but we still are not willing to waste their lives. Even with all our technologies, the clones are the most professional soldiers there are. There is a danger. We have joined the Confederacy, and asked for your personal protection. Don't you deny it now."

"Easy, easy, my friend. My job is to ask, I am going to help my allies, nevertheless. What's the situation in details?"

"The Republic sent two armies to two conquer our planet: the 501st Legion and the 212th Attack Battalion. They are supported by the Tenth Fleet."

"I see. Admiral Thrawn, how much time is it going to take for your fleet to get here?" Phantom looked at his Chiss subordinate.

"Approximately four days, My Lord. So as to avoid losses in the Ghost Nebula because of hard navigation."

"Curses," Consul muttered. "The Republicans have already set off from Alderaan. They will be here in two."

"Legio CCXXV Apollinaris is ready, sir," Haseas straightened. "Onderon is in close proximity. The Legion has been stationed there on Lady Bontheri's request."

"I think she won't be against if we take it back for a while," Danny commented. "Order them to pack on the ships. No delays can be allowed. We have to prepare defenses."

"It shall be done with all haste, My Lord," Haseas nodded, before walking off to make certain calls.

"He has a strange taste for clothes."

"I beg your pardon?" Danny looked at Deechi.

"He wears that black uniform of the Sith Empire. Are you fine with it?"

"That man has been with me from the beginning of my rise to power. He can wear whatever he wants. Anyways, what are the supposed landing spots?"

"They obviously would want to take the capital. Such limited task force could only aim to that," Thrawn's hologram said.

"Indeed. We shall fortify the outskirts of the city," the Consul said as his companion took notes. "Issue the required set of materials," he looked at the other Umbaran. The man continued taking notes. "I suppose that one of their targets would be our airbase. From there we would be able to bomb their guts from inside of them."

"Aren't there others?"

"Not exactly," Consul crossed his hands. "They are very distant. The aircrafts are unable to fly back and forward on such large distances. Those are not star fighters."

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