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"Yein we need to talk." When Jungkook said those words I lost it.

His intense gaze got me lost.

"Eomma, who is he?" Yeseul innocently asked while looking at Jungkook, her father.

Yeseul's question snapped me back to reality.

"Baby, stay with auntie Soojung first. I'll just talk to my friend for a while." I told Yeseul and she obliged with a nod.

She went to Soojung unnie and unnie carried her and placed her in her lap. Soojung unnie started playing with Yeseul to keep her entertained.

The guests eyes are still not leaving me and Jungkook. Sujeong unnie and Taehyung reached our table.

"What's happening here?" Taehyung asks completely unaware of what's happening.

But instead of answering I look at Jungkook.

"Let's talk outside." I told him and lead the way out.

I entered the lift and Jungkook is behind my back. I pressed the rooftop floor. The two of us are in complete silence inside the lift. I don't like the eerie atmosphere.

When we reached the rooftop I lead the way towards the metal bar of the rooftop.

I can't still think straight. Should I tell Jungkook about Yeseul? To think that he has rights with his daughter. And the fact that he already saw Yeseul isn't helping.

I'm looking at the city lights from my place, Jungkook also does the same with his hands in his pockets.

After I guess around five minutes of complete silence I mustered courage to start a conversation.

"What do you want to talk about Jungkook?" I bravely asked him.

I heard him took a deep breath before asking me.

"That kid earlier. Is she really your daughter?" He asked and he cast his gaze on me.

I avoided his eyes.

"Eo, sh-e i-is." I answered.

"With whom?" He asked.

I felt my heart beating wildly once again. I felt my knees wobbling so I held tight on the metal bars.

I didn't answer his question.

"Is she my daughter?" He asked while looking at my eyes. I can't feel any emotions with the way he look at me.

I felt a lump in my throat. It felt like someone took my voice away from me, and I just blankly stared at his face.

Yein ah you should go tell him now. You might have the chance to give Yeseul the family she's dreaming of.

"Yes she is" I answered bravely. Thinking that it'll make a huge difference in my life and Yeseul's but with Jungkook's expression it isn't giving me those feel.

"I just want to tell you that I can't accept her and I won't take responsibility of her."

When I heard what he said it stung my ears and my right hand automatically landed on his left cheek

"What did you just say? You won't take responsibility of her?" I slowly asked with venom in my voice

"She's a part of you! We both made her and you're telling me that you won't take responsibility of her? Damn you Jungkook!" I said in disbelief as I look at his face

He looked straight into my eyes, still no emotions in his eyes.

"What if she isn't mine? How can I be so sure that she's my daughter? You've been gone for five years how can I be so sure that I'm the only man you slept with? What if you're just using that child to get a little bit of spotlight from me? You know you've been gone for too long and you just showed up just like that with a child begging for attention."

UNTIL THEN|YeinKook ✔COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now